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This month was pretty good. Me and Taehyung grew much more close. Now all of the university knows that me and Tae are dating. It was quite embarrassing at first as how people started giving me glares, some mischievous grins, as if my existence did them something. But after some days people got something else to gossip about.


Yes. Jihyun is going to come back after his suspension.

To be honest, I was scared. Of course. He almost raped me. But then again, I knew I had him with me. I did not had to worry about anything. I was blessed to have such friends and such a great boyfriend.

It still feels like a dream. Dating him, being with him.

My parents still don't know about this relationship thing. I bet they would be really happy about me having a relationship but of course they would be more than disappointed if they learn I am in a relationship with him.

I slapped myself internally.

What had I got myself into?

- Miso? What are you thinking?

My train of thoughts were disturbed by Hoseok's voice.

I flinched and looked over at them.

- Uh nothing.. just

I said and smiled.

- You were just thinking. Really? You are literally staring at that wall for 20 minutes straight.

Jungkook said. We still sat like how we used to. Jungkook on my left and Jeongyeon on my right.

- It felt like your stare will create a hole in wall.

Jin said and they all laughed while nodding.

I smiled too.

I looked over at Taehyung sitting across me looking at me worriedly as he gestured me if everything was okay, I just smiled and nodded my head.

- Ooooohhhh it's like now you both can talk while just looking at each others faces.

Dahyun said and I blushed.

- Shut it Dahyun.

Taehyung said as he was red, being caught suddenly as he ate his food. 

- How lovely to see both of you love birds.

- Taehyung is turning red!

Mina said jokingly and Taehyung growled.

We all laughed. 

- But what? It's been only a month. And you both act as if you both know each other since childhood.

Namjoon said and I suddenly choked on my water.

I was continuously coughing when Jungkook was patting my back.

- hyung think before you say something.

Taehyung said as he looked at me. 

- I'm sorry.

He said.

I stopped coughing and as soon as I did I heard the whole cafeteria in a pin drop silence.

- Uh oh

Chaeyoung whispered.

- Look who's here.

Jimin whispered while shaking his head.

I slowly turned around and saw.



Hey lovelies!!! How are you?

What do you think? Is Jihyun gonna do something?  What will be Taehyung's reaction? Will Miso be panicked?

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Thank you. I purple you 💜

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