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The engagement ceremony started and we all gathered at the stage. We were on Nayeon's side as she took the ring and kept it in his ring finger as he did the same and everyone started cheering and clapping for them. Mom came and hugged her as they all were having a family moment. I was standing at the back watching them.

I miss my family too.

The mere thought of then bought tears in my eyes. Jinyoung came towards me.

- You okay?

He asked and I looked at him and nodded.

- I miss my family.

I whispered looking at the way the Kim family was meeting each other. Nayeon was in the middle and on each side of her was her two brothers - Baekhyun and Taehyung. It looked like they both were teasing her about something as she was whining. Well that made me miss Jaebum oppa.

- I miss your family too. I spoke with Jaebum a few days ago. He broke up with his girlfriend, my boy is heartbroken. 

He said and I looked at him in shock.

- The fuck? He never said me.

We both were chatting when I heard my name being called. I turned around and saw Taehyung calling me pulling me.

- What?

I whisper shouted.

- Come for the family pictures sweetheart.

Mom shouted. I hesitated.

- You should go you're gonna be a family too right. If you both are serious with each other you both are gonna marry and eventually you will be their family too.

Jinyoung said and we all fell in silence. Awkward silent.

- I will uhm go you come fast.

Taehyung said. And I pinched his arm.

- Why the fuck did you say that?

I asked him as he rubbed his hand.

- Ouch! Why? Aren't you both serious about each other?

He asked. That's none of your business I wanted to say but mom shouted again and I rolled my eyes at him and started walking towards them.

As I was walking towards them I saw from my peripheral view Jennie running towards them and in a blink of an eye she was beside taehyung. I didn't say anything and went towards irene as I stood beside her. Mom frowned at me and I smiled at her.


After the party I went towards the car. I was so mad at Taehyung that he literally left me alone for the whole party and when Jennie came and stood beside him he never tried to reach for me. I was boiling with anger.

I saw him coming towards the car, but stopped when Jennie came. I rolled my eyes. After 15 minutes of waiting.

- Are you gonna come or shall I call a cab?

I shouted at him and he looked at me and told something to Jennie and she kissed his cheek.

The fuck?

- I was coming you shouldn't have shouted.

He said sitting in the car as I sat in too.

- I didn't saw it happening any time soon that's why I shouted.

I said as he sighed and started the car.

- I was just discussing something with her.

He said.

- Oh really? About what?

I asked and he frowned while looking at me and looked back at the road.

- It's nothing important. You don't have to know it even if I tell you, you won't understand.

He said and tears started forming in my eyes. That's the problem of my anger, if I get angry I start crying and could never fight for myself.

- Yeah sure. It must be something rich that a normal manager's daughter won't understand. Am I right?

I said as I looked out of the window.

- are you out of your mind? Why are you saying such things? Oh let me guess since your muffin told you we will be married you are imagining things and already started thinking that we are a married couple? HA.

He said and I just could not bear it. A small breath left my mouth as I looked at him. That thought didn't even cross my mind. Why can't he understand this?

- Stop the car.

I said looking straight.

- What?

He asked.


I shouted.

- you're out of your mind. I won't.

He said and I pulled the handbrake. He looked at me in shock.

- Are you sure you are sober? What the fuck is wrong with you?

He yelled. I opened the car door as I threw the purse on his face and got out taking my phone.

- Rot in hell!

I said as I walked back. I heard the engine roar as I turned around and saw the car leaving. I sat on the nearest rock as new tears started forming in my eyes. I took my phone and dialed the number.

Muffin 😎

He immediately picked up the call.

- Hello?

He said a weak hello left from my mouth.

- hello? Cupcake? Is everything okay?

He asked.

- I'm sending you a address can you please pick me up?

I said and cut the call.

I guess we started from the beginning.


Hey lovelies!!!

What do you think?

God I really hate this chapter cause this is where everything goes down again, I really want to stop editing but I have to since the other chapters only shows Miso being more powerful. 

What will Taehyung do? What will Miso do now? Is there some new drama waiting for them?

Well, please continue to support me like this. And please do vote. DON'T be a silent reader please leave your suggestion. There is nothing more than I love reading your comments.

Thank you. I purple you 💜



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How's the new cover? I worked so hard on it hope y'all like it hehe

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