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I woke up at the sound of soft snores and the feeling of his hot breath. I snuggled more and more inside his chest. I was completely awake I looked up and saw Taehyung sleeping soundly. I sighed.  I remembered last night how he confessed about his actions. And as heart warming as it was, it still hurt. He did not trust enough in our relationship. He is still insecure about his acts and his love towards me.

As sad as it is, he still cannot help but hurt me how he used to when we were young. I got up from the bed tossing the blanket. I stood in front of the mirror noticing I still had the stains of last night tears. I took the wet wipes from the drawer and wiped my face with it. I thought about Taehyung's words again. As I thought, he was still hell bent in hurting me and no one can help him, no one but me. I just have to make him believe in his love and himself and that he can overcome his fears, his anger, his dominant behaviour. I wiped the new tears in my eyes and promising myself that.

I WILL end this bully.

I heard the bed shuffling and saw his head popping out of the blanket. He squinted his eyes and sighed.

- Come to the bed kitten please.

He mumbled his voice hoarse and deep. I combed my hair with my hand and went to the bed. I climbed it and jumped on Taehyung. He groaned.

- get up

I said but he just covered his head with blanket.

- Get uppppppp

I whined but he only ignored me 

- It's already late get up baby.

I said as I dropped my head on whatever it was under the blanket. He suddenly sat up tossing me on the side.

- Ahhh

I yelled.

- Did you just called me baby?

He said with wide eyes.  I widen my eyes when the realisation hit me. Uh oh.

- I guess

I said and he pushed me and hovered above me.

- You do know that this was the first time you called me a name right? 

He said raising his brow and I just nodded.

- call me that again.

He whispered. I hesitated for a while as embarrassing was filling inside me.

- Baby..

I whispered and turned over covering my face with my hands I heard him laughing he hugged me as I wrapped my arms around him too.

- I love you.

He said.

- I love you.

I said as he smiled.

- Come on now get up. We have to return today.

I said as he whined and got up.

- I'm going to shower.

He said.

- Wait I was going to shower.

I said and he looked at me and came near me as he held me by my waist and bought me closer.

- We can save the water and time by showering together.

He said and smirked.

- No way you can go and shower firs-

I was saying when he cut me by kissing me. It got a little wild as we ended up in the bathroom

And we never just showered.


We got down after changing our clothes. Everyone was in the living room. We came near Taehyung holding me by my waist.

- What took you both so long to get down?

Mom asked.

- Uhhhh..

I said and looked at taehyung.

- Oh mom it was just a very long shower. 

He said and my eyes widen. They all laughed at his answer and I put my head down in embarrassment.

This idiot would kill me one day.

- you need to learn to control your mouth Kim Taehyung.

Nayeon said in between his laughs. I felt someone's gaze on me. I roamed my eyes around and saw Suho glaring at us. His look was something different.

- I will go and check for the breakfast.

I said feeling uncomfortable.


I was preparing some toasts when I heard someone's foot steps. I turned around and saw no one. I frowned.


I heard something near the window. I went near it and saw no one but some paper. I exited the kitchen and went outside with the help of back door. I picked up the note and what was written in it petrified me.

Enjoyed the shower with that asshole?  Bet you would enjoy it more with me.

I dropped the paper and ran inside. Panting I drank some water to calm myself down. Who the fuck is it? What the fuck does that person want from me? But one thing was clear after this note.

It was someone from this house.


Hey lovelies!!!

How are you?

What do you think? What will happen? Will Miso tell anyone? Is it really from someone inside the house? Is that person dangerous?

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Thank you. I purple you 💜


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