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- Don't you dare to say anything bad about my boyfriend!

I threatened Jihyun. I heard gasps I can see people's jaws on the floor from the corner of my eyes.

- You..

Jihyun was saying something when I cut him off.

- you listen to me. Stop interfering in our lives now otherwise it won't be good for you.

I said through my gritted teeth. I turned around and took Taehyung's hand and left the cafeteria. Leaving everyone awestruck.


I was applying balm on his busted knuckles. No one was here as it was class time. He was going in wincing in pain.

- I never knew you had this side of yours.

He said trying to start a conversation.

- Well yes, I have to turn on this mode to stop people from being assholes

I said and his lips went on a straight line. He did not expect this. I was so pissed off right now. It was his stupid action to go and beat him. He just wanted to create drama and he got what he wanted.

-  I am s-sorry baby

He said and I sighed. 

- I told you not to go and beat him it was exactly what he wanted a drama a scene our reaction and you gave him all those.

I said.

- yeah, and you gave him a nice punch and kick

He said trying to lighten the mood and he was succeeding as I cracked a giggle. 

- Like really I never knew my girlfriend was a super woman.

He said giving me a cheesy smile. I slapped his hand slightly and he groaned.

- Owwwww don't beat me

He said faking a cry as I started beating him playfully. He suddenly caught me by my wrists and made me sit on his lap with my legs on each sides of his legs.

- What a kid

He said slowly. Our faces were close to each other as he leaned upwards and kissed me. I smiled in the kiss as I kissed him back.

Our little make out session was disturbed by sounds of foots coming towards us I quickly got up and turned around to see all of them coming towards us

- Like what the actual fuck?

Jin said

- I never knew you are like this Miso. 

Momo said

- Waaaahhh the way she kicked him I felt it

Jimin said

- You're awesome dude

Jhope said.

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