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I told Jeongyeon about everything, she seemed a excited at first but slowly her beautiful features which had her smile was fading. She bit her lip and stared at me. What she said, made me feel really kind of empty inside me. 

- Miso-ah.. just rethink about this and Taehyung.

She said. Suddenly all my excitement was changed by a strange feeling. An unsure feeling.

- What do you mean Jeongyeon?

I asked stuttering as she seemed hesitant to answer but she took a deep breath.

- Jeongyeon. What do you mean by rethinking about him?

She gulped

- Well.. I mean you know Taehyung, he is a fuck boy with literally no feelings-

I was becoming mad with her opinion about Taehyung. He changed he does has feelings he is not a fuck boy anymore. Right?

- And moreover, He bullied you when you were young and betrayed you with that girl. What was her name again?-

- Jennie..

I whispered bitterly.

- Right. Jennie. Didn't he? I know you love him too much. But just be careful not to be too attached to him.

She said and patted my back. I took a deep breath.

She is very true. We started dating only yesterday and I feel too attached to him- Wait he did not even said we were dating. What are we?

I sighed. I felt Jeongyeon's arms around me. She hugged me tight. I hugged her back.

- you know what?

- What?

I asked.

- I guess he likes me back too.

She said and I broke the hug and looked at her with all my sadness replaced by Happiness and excitement.

- Well tell me something I don't know.

I said and smirked. She looked at me and threw a pillow at me.

And that's how the pillow fight started.

We were playing around for a long time. When we stopped and slept on Jeongyeon's bed.

I woke up panting and sweaty. I sighed deeply.

I should really stop getting these night mares now.

I thought. Jeongyeon was sleeping soundly. I smiled and played with her hair. I saw the time.

5 PM.

Wow. Time is flying really fast.

I got up and took my clothes and went for a shower. 



I came back after a very good and long shower. I took some of my time to think about Jeongyeon's words.

She is right. I shouldn't be attached to someone too easily. But it is just that Taehyung is really an exception. The way I was getting close to Taehyung so fast and it all felt so natural was scaring me. Taehyung is a complex man, I have tried so hard to stay away from him yet I ended up being with him. Like fire and water, we both are so different but yet we collide. 

Too deep in my thoughts I did not realise that I was about to bump into some one.

- woah.

I heard a male voice I looked up immediately.

I saw Jihyun. He smiled and I returned to him mine.

- watch where you goin' kid. 

He said jokingly I put my finger under his chin like a gun

- Who do you think you are calling a kid?

I asked and he raised his hands as a sign of surrender.

- I am sorry.

He said and we laughed.

- Took a bath?

He asked, I nodded my head.

- What about you?

- No I don't like washing myself too often.

He said as I made a disgusted face. 

-No ew I did not mean that. I meant where are you coming from.

I asked 

- Oooohhh. Well library, working on that project. Neo- Classicism is an interesting topic, Namjoon and I almost finished researching on it. I have already sent you the information, when are you going to make the PPT? 

He asked and I tensed up, I still did not even started it.

- What?

He asked looking at my terrified state.

- I need to go I still did not start it. BYE

I said and ran away. I can hear him laughing and he shouted.


He yelled and I waved at him. I ran back to my room and saw Taehyung was already sitting on my bed with a boring look.

I grinned. He sighed.

- What took you so long?

- I was bathing of course it will take long. Besides that I met with a friend and was talking with him.

He raised his brow

- And may I ask which friend is that?

He asked.

- Oh Jihyun.

I said and he tensed up and his expression changed into a serious one. 

- Don't be with him.

- What? Why? He is the only friend I have besides you guys.

- First. What I said is said. Second. That guy does not deserve your spit on him let alone your friendship. 

- You don't get to control who I am friends with Taehyung. Just because you're jealous it doesn't mean I have to stop talking with other boys. 

- You think I am warning you because I am jealous? What you see is not always what is true, Lee Miso. 


Hey lovelies! ! ! How are you?

What do you think? Why is Taehyung stopping Miso talking from Jihyun? Is there something Miso does not know? Why did Jeongyeon said that?

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