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- I don't believe you Taehyung. Not anymore.

I said as his hands dropped as he sighed and looked down.

- I-I understand.

He said and nodded as he got up and went back maintaining a distance between us. I sighed and nodded as well.

- It doesn't matter, we are grown ups now. We are no more the eighteen year old young children anymore. We are adults now, ten years have passed and all of these things does not matter now. As adults, it is important for us to be rational and learn how to control our emotions for fucks sake. 

I said as I pushed my hair back and took a deep breath in. Taehyung was still looking down, my heart was bleeding at the sight of him. 

- Can I ask something?

I asked as he looked at me and nodded.

- Where did you get that picture?

I asked as he sighed.

- Your friend Jinyoung sent me that night, that's why I didn't come to find you. I was going to when I got this picture and then I went to the bar.

He said and a thunder bolted inside me.
More betrayals, more lies.

- J-Jinyoung did?

I asked as he nodded as he explained me further how he got drunk and the bartender called.

- He called you, I remember someone picked it up and said 'miso does not want to be with you anymore' I was so angry that I didn't even try calling you again.

- Wait what? Nobody called me. I checked the call list the next morning and your name was not there.

I said as he shrugged already knowing the answer.

- Oh my god.

I whispered as I took my purse.

- we will continue this later. Bye.

I said and left.

Taehyung's POV

Am I stupid? Yes. Am I idiot? Yes. Am I an asshole? Yes. Does she trust me? No do I love her? Yes.

The restlessness I always used to feel was fading away, the demons which used to eat my skin and ruined me from inside was fading away. I felt hope for the first time in ten years. I realised, all of this happened because we talked. 

We talked and tried to clear the fucked up past. 

The past which was ruined because of others. We both were always happy with each other, yet someone else had to ruin it. I started wondering, how our lives would have been if we haven't lost the last ten years. 

We fucking lost our ten years because of a misunderstanding. 

I was happy after a long time that we were clearing our disputes and misunderstandings, when I realised that it would not be easy for her to trust me again. Of course, this has already happened two times. But this time even I was not at fault completely.

I never had sex with Jennie nor with any other girls after she left. Why can't she trust me on this? What you see is always not true I learned this today.

She left me, but the way she said "we will continue this later, bye." gave me hope. I'm hopeless in her case. Do I really stand a chance to get her back? I don't know but do I really deserve her? Not at all.

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