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I almost choked on my water when I heard the door knock. I wasn't going to open the door but the knocks started to increase. I got up slowly and took my umbrella just in case. I opened the door slightly and was shocked to see

Taehyung? Why is he here?

Before he could do anything I closed the door again. He knocked on my door again but I didn't do anything. 

- are you going to open the door or not?


- Fine then. I can break the door you know?

I quickly opened my door enough to see his face, but not enough to let him in.

- what do you want?

- I was bored there.

He said and kept his hands in his pockets.

- So? What should I do? I'm going to sleep now. You won't get anything here.

I said and was closing the door when suddenly he started pushing from the other side.


He didn't stop and pushed harder until he was in and I was on the ground.

-Ouch my butt.

- hah! I am stronger.

- aishhhh! what in the world are you doing here?

- hmm? Me? Oh I was bored so I thought to come here.

- But Jeongyeon is not here.

- I know that. Book worm

- Stop calling me that.

I got up from the floor.

He went and sat on my bed and started eating my ramen.


He looked at me and nodded.

- what the.

I stared at him as I saw him stuffing my noodles inside his big mouth.

- why are you here? Didn't I say I don't want to see you again?

- uhhh no you actually didn't say that.

I blinked becoming blank for a second. Why didn't I said that to him?

- Probably because I wanted to get out of there as soon as I can. But I will tell you now, I-I don't want to see you e-ever again. 

Why the hell did I stuttered? I am gonna kill myself. 

- hmm.

He said and got up, and started walking towards me. I walked back.

As always..

-are you sure? Then why are you stuttering?

-I-I am n-not.

He was walking towards me... And then he suddenly started smiling.


-Well you know you have to see me even if you don't want to.

I scoffed.

- I can easily ignore you.

- not if I will be your senior mentor.

- that's not on you.

- you think?

I rolled my eyes and went to my bed to finish my ramen.

- you cannot roll your eyes on me.

- I can and I will. If you don't want me to then just don't say things which makes me roll my eyes. 

- try it.

He said with a challenging tone and I rolled my eyes.

- I swear to god if you will do that again-

He came near me and whispered.

- I'll punish you.

I choked on my food and started coughing as I smacked his shoulder pushing him away as he laughed. 

- what the... you're still the same.

- handsome?

- annoying. 

- I know that. Book worm

- I said stop calling me that.

- okay... then how about. Miss long skirt?

He said and raised his brow with a smirk.

- do it and I will punish you too.

He laughed.

- oh really? I wanna see how you will punish me.

- whatever.

I was eating ramen when he said.

- I'm hungry too.

- then go to that party and you can eat. I'm sure that Nancy will feed you enough.

- oh-ho are you jealous?

- you wish.

- you know? You're not the same anymore. You speak for yourself now.

He said with a blank face. How can he change his expression so easily?

- uhm thanks?

- I'm sorry.

He suddenly said and I looked at him with wide eyes.

- w-what?

- I said I'm sorry for not doing anything to stop people from bullying you. 

I looked down not wanting to answer anything. I felt his breath on me and when I looked up... his face was near me and heart in my throat. Now when I see him.. his eyes.. it's so dark just like it was that time. His eyes has no fears he's saying sorry but his eyes hold no guilt.

His skin looks so soft as if it was the snow of the year his nose it's so well structured his lips, it looks so sweet so craving. Wait what am I thinking?

Get the dirty thoughts out of your damn head!

He started coming near me. I cannot move, it was as if he had me under a spell or something. 
His lips were so near. He is so near. My breathing accelerated. Breathing? What's that? Our lips almost touched when.


Hey lovelies!!

How are you?

What do you think? What happened?

Before you all judge my baby Miso for being shocked and not pushing Taehyung away, let me hear what you would do when a person as attractive as Taehyung is so near you alone what would you do?  

Well, please continue to support me like this. And please do vote and comment. Theres nothing more than I love reading your comments.

Thank you. I purple you 💜

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