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Just when he was about to press the trigger, we heard the roaring voice of engines. Our eyes roamed around pointing out where the voice was coming from. And all of a sudden, in a blink of an eye the walls from all the four sides broke revealing the roaring and blazing Jeeps. My eyes widen when the black jeep came towards me. It stopped right in front of me. A low shriek left my mouth. I looked and saw that Taehyung jumping out of the jeep when it didn't even fully stop.

He came running and the first thing he did was punch Suho's face.

- You rascal!

He said while being on top of him and throwing punches at him continuously. After some more few good punches Suho pushed him and they both stood up, Suho punched him too and they both started fighting vigorously.

Meanwhile, Jeongyeon ran towards me and hugged me tight, I was too shocked to even say ordo anything as I just sat there in shock. Mina came and started to untie my feet. Namjoon came and checked my wrists as the others went to throw some punches at Suho but Momo stopped them.

- Don't! Let him handle it he has been suffering a lot. Let him release his anger.

She said and they all backed away making disappointing noises.


We heard Taehyung yelling as he was holding Suho by his collar.


Suho shouted back pushing him. The scene got me teared up. The friends who used to be like brothers were fighting here and was ready to take each others life, because of me.

- You sick asshole!

Taehyung said as he went and kicked him in stomach. Blood was spit out from Suho's mouth. They both never stopped fighting.


Taehyung yelled as he punched his nose. I swear we heard a cracking sound. We heard Suho chuckling.

- If she can't be mine. She can be no one's. Believe it or not Kim Taehyung, I can treat her way better than you.

He said holding Taehyung's jaw as Taehyung yelled in rage as he picked up the gun laying on the floor and pointed it towards Suho's head.

- Say that again you bitch and I will release this 6 bullets into your head.

He said as Suho laughed hysterically.

- I will say it a million times. You know why? Because that's the truth.

He said. His voice was calm and relaxed. He was trying to make Taehyung angry and make a foolish step.

Oh no...

- I am going to kill you.

And he was going to pull the trigger when I ran towards them and pushed the gun out of his hand. The gun fell on the ground.

- are you crazy? This is what he want. Stop it.

I said looking at Taehyung and his eyes soften when he saw me and he hugged me tight. His face was bloody. We separated as he kissed me all over the places. Tears flowing from both of our eyes. In that moment no one mattered, no one but him.

We heard claps, I looked back staying close to Taehyung. His hand wrapped around my waist in a protective way.

- You are choosing the wrong one here again.

He said and took the gun and put it on his forehead before pulling the trigger. I screamed.

- NO

And I closed my eyes when I heard the gunshot.

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now