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Jeongyeon was a good person. I concluded that when she did not judge me for the choice of clothes I had. She was vey chill with it. I was happy that I had her as my roommate, she wasn't nosy and she didn't pushed things. Although, I would be wrong but for now these were my thoughts about her. When I asked her for help she told me a simple white t-shirt with blue jeans would be perfect as it wasn't necessary to dress up.

- Where are you going? 

I asked Jeongyeon as she looked at me before tying her shoe lace. 

- Uh, I will go and check on others. You are going to take a bath? 

She looked at my towel in my hand as I nodded my head. 

- Yeah, the long drive made me feel sticky. By the way, can I come with you to the party? I don't have anyone else to go with. 

I said as I bit my lips anxious that she was going to say no but she smiled as stood up. 

- Even if you had another person I was going to ask you to come with us. 

She announced as I chuckled and nodded my head as both of us parted our ways. 


After a long shower in the SNU bathroom I came back to my room. 
Why don't they have an attached bathroom here? I sighed as I almost screamed when I saw was inside my room. My eyes widened as I took a step back. Kim Taehyung was inside my room on my bed, with shoes on. 

- What are you doing here?

I snarled gaining his attention. He looked up from his book- wait is that my book? 

- Where's Jeongyeon? 

-answer my question first.

I protested as his bore eyes were still looking at me. 

-Where is Jeongyeon?

I sighed as I took the towel out from my head and the wet hair tingled my ears. 

- She went to check up on her other friends. 

He didn't say anything and rested his head on my bed. Huh?

- Will you please leave? And why are you sitting on my bed with shoes on

I hissed the last part as he was still unfazed. He just got up and went to sit on the other bed which his friend's. I rolled my eyes as I tried to stay calm. He hasn't changed at all, he was still annoying, always made me angry and still as handsome as ever. 

Wait- what did I just say? 

I marched towards him as I looked down at my book which he was reading. 

- Why would you take someone's book without their permission? 

I looked at the novel Jane Eyre. He sighed as he looked up to see me and as soon as he did a water droplet from my hair landed on his cheek, he seemed shocked and so was I before I took two steps back. 

- It was lying over there so I checked it out, don't be such a boomer Ms. long skirts.

I widened my eyes as I gritted my teeth in anger. I snatched the book from his hand and turned around to keep it on my bed. I heard the other bed creaking as I sensed him walking away, I was relieved that he was going away rather than talking with me. I turned around to watch him standing barely a feet away from me. 

I shrieked as I stumbled back, I was going to fall down when Taehyung held my waist and pulled me towards him. I looked at him as his dark brown bore into mine. He pushed a hair strand behind my ear as I couldn't comprehend what was happening. I blinked rapidly before pushing him away from me. Before anyone of us could say anything, the door opened to reveal Jeongyeon as she was annoyed to see Taehyung. 

- You fucker I was searching for you everywhere. 

- Missing me that much Señorita? 

She rolled her eyes and showed him her middle finger before saying something. I didn't wanted to be a third person in their conversation as I turned to my wardrobe and started to unpack my bags. 

- I am here to say I will be coming to the party. 

He stated as I sighed and shook my head shaking the thoughts from my mind. I don't have anything to do with him. He doesn't remember me and that is a very great thing. The only thing I have to do is to keep ignoring him throughout the semesters. I heard the door closing as Jeongyeon came towards me. 

- What are you doing staring at the empty wardrobe? You really are a day dreamer Miso- ssi. 

She laughed as I scratched my ear she patted my back before telling me to go and get ready. I wonder how the party is going to be like. 


Hey lovelies!!

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What do you think? What will happen at the party? Will Miso enjoy it? Or she would face some more difficulties?

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