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-Because of you.

I wasn't able to move. I was shocked. What does he mean by that? Why would he change everything for me? 


I said and looked away unable to process anything

- why are you red Miso?

I heard the cute voice of Jihyun. I looked up and saw Jihyun looking at me, he still didn't leave? 

- Huh? N-nothing. It's just too hot. Haha

I started fanning myself with my hand.

- Here drink some water.

Jihyun gave me a bottle of water as I took it. 

- thank you.

I smiled and drank the water.

- You sure you okay? I mean we can go to the medical room.

- Ah, no no I'm fine-

- She already said she is fine. Why don't you go and take a seat?

Taehyung said through his gritted teeth.

- Dude no need to be so snappy about it.

He said and turned around but suddenly he stopped and turned towards us.

- By the way, I had fun with you yesterday. Hope we can hang out more.

He said and smiled and I just nodded smiling back. He turned and walked away.

- So you are going to go again?

I heard Taehyung saying as I turned around and frowned. 

- huh?-

- Did you had fun?

- What are you saying-

- He is good looking too.

- Taehyung-

- You both are a perfect match.

I pinched him.


I shouted. Everyone looked at me. Taehyung raised his brow amusement filling his face as I was dying from embarrassment. The teacher looked up as he was about to show us something. 

- Who is interrupting you Ms. Miso? 

I heard the professor asking as I shook my head. 

- Uhm.. no one I'm sorry professor

- Hope that you won't shout in class like this.

He said and walked away  I bowed to him.

I turned and looked at Taehyung. He was controlling his laugh.

- You..

I said as I was turning red by embarrassment as he was looking at me, his face was turning red too but not because of embarrassment. Unable to control his laugh, he laughed out loud.

Enough to make the students look at us,  including the professor....

God, please let the mother earth swallow me. 

I heard everyone gasping and peeking and whispering something.

- Woah.. I saw him laughing for the very first time

- I know right

- yeah me too.

Dahyun looked at us and shook her head as she smacked my back as well as Taehyung's. 

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now