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After I got dressed in a white shirt top with a  floral print skirt up to my mid - thigh. I got down stairs where Taehyung already left.  I came down and roamed my eyes around the very big hall. I scanned the hall and saw Taehyung and his siblings standing and attending some guests.

Nice chance! Now I can go and eat some cookies. Yay

I did a little happy dance in my mind and started my way towards the kitchen. When suddenly, I heard someone calling my name I turned around and saw...

Jeongyeon and others.

My eyes lit up and I ran towards them as I hugged each and everyone. My heart warming with warmth and love which I felt missing.

- What are you all doing here?

I asked

- well we should be the one asking that to you.

Jin said and I looked at him and smiled sheepishly.

- well, what are you doing here Miso?

Jimin asked as he raised his eyebrows. 

-uhm well I am here with taehyung.

I said.

-yea, and as?

Momo asked her eyes narrowing. I didn't know what to say.

- uhm... what do you m-mean?

I said as I started playing with my skirt which seemed a lot more interesting than everything and everyone.

- You came here with Taehyung as his?

Hoseok asked.

-As his mistress

Yoongi muttered silently and suddenly he got a smack on his neck from Jin.

-Can you shut the fuck up Yoongi? And why are you all so interested in their relationship? Yah, we all are still kids not old people who only knows how to be nosy and gossip around. 

Namjoon scolded everyone as SeokJin nodded his head. 

- We all are adults and we are friends, let everyone do whatever they want to. Don't judge anyone, for god's sake. 

SeokJin said and I smiled weakly.

Well, he isn't wrong.. I have been nothing to him and he is not even showing any interest in me. I am the one who is roaming around him like a fool.

- I am hungry!

Jungkook said suddenly and wrapped his hand around my arm

- Please do give me something or else I can die.

He said and started dragging me when mina and Jeongyeon and Jimin came along with us.


We entered the kitchen and I gave him the cookies I baked.

-Ah these are so tasty! I was so hungry I thought that I am going to die.

He said as he took another bite and Jeongyeon rolled her eyes.

-Pfft! Dramatic asshole!

She said and mina and Jimin let out a chuckle as I didn't do anything as Yoongi's words were ringing in my ears.

'As his mistress'

- Yah! Miso, what are you thinking?

Jimin asked as he slapped his fingers in front of my eyes.

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now