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I decided to skip my lunch as Nayeon needed some help from me. Currently, I was in her room picking accessories for her.

- Do you think this will go?

She asked showing me pink diamond earrings. I scrunched my nose and shook my head in disapproval. She pouted.

- Unnie, look. You are going to wear a off white dress right? So how about this white pearl set?

I showed her a set which flaunted her dress her eyes lit up. She clapped her hands and hugged me.

- this is it.

She said and we laughed.

- Do you need help with anything else?

I asked as we separated. She smiled and shook her head.

- Go and get ready. Otherwise your boyfriend is going to hunt me for keeping you with me.

She said and laughed. I turned around and made my way to my room. On my way, I passed the room and saw Suho from my peripheral view. I walked back and saw him struggling with something.

I knocked on the door and he looked up and his face lit up.

- oh miso. Hey what you doing here?

He asked and I smiled.

- Can I come in?

I asked and he rushed towards the door and opened it. 

- yeah yeah sure sorry.

He said and I chuckled.

- Well I was passing by and saw you struggling with something so I thought why not ask for help?

I said and he nodded frantically.

- I was just confused with whether I should wear a tie or a bow.

He said scratching his neck.

- Uh, if you ask me. I guess bow will suit you well.

I said and he looked at me.

- Why do you think like that?

He asked and I said what came first in my mouth.

- It would make you look more charming.

I said and he smiled sheepishly at me.

- So you think I'm attractive huh? 

He asked and nudged my elbow.

- I guess my work here is done. I will be going now bye.

I said and rushed to the exit. I heard him laughing.


I came inside my room and I went inside the bathroom to wash my face. I heard the shower on. I didn't mind as I thought it was Taehyung and of course there would be a curtain and he would be listening to music so he cannot see or hear me.

I was late too so I entered the bathroom. I went towards the sink and washed my face. I took the face wash and applied it on my face. After rinsing my face I panicked when I heard the shower stop.

Holy crow! Shit.

I opened the tap and splashed my face fast wishing that Taehyung won't see me. I washed my face and looked in the mirror to see a hot and fresh Taehyung staring at me.


I gulped. Not wanting to roam my eyes around his whole art like body I fixed my eyes on his. But from my peripheral view I could see his that.

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now