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I was back in that white room when I tried to escape from that creepy room. I could not believe that this was the same Suho who always used to saved me, who made me happy, who made me feel safe.

I did not eat anything since the day I left from my dorm. Suho persisted me to eat and when I did I only puked everything. This all was too overwhelming for me to eat something. I lost my appetite.

It's been 2 days. Why is no one coming to save me? Did they already forgot about me? Was Suho was saying the truth that Taehyung never cared for me? Am I that easy to be forgotten? Where are my friends? Where are the people I love so much?

The negative thoughts started to cloud my mind. I shook my head not minding those thoughts. But somewhere my heart was accepting such thoughts. I dropped my head down.

It hurts..

I wonder whether my parents know or not. Would they know if I will never return? Will they care?

I tried to ignore my mind. Knowing that it was only the situation that was making my mind think such things. More and more tears started forming in my eyes. I was too weak to even move. I never did anything wrong to anyone.

Then why does bad things always happens to good people?

I heard the door open. He kept me in the outhouse. In the same white room. Just like my dream. And that frightened me more.

Suho came with a plate. He looked pale and there was dark circles under his eyes. He didn't eat anything too.

- Eat something love, please.

He said and sighed. I glared at him.

- I told you one thousand times that leave me the fuck alone. Can your pea size brain cannot register this much thing?

I said to him. He looked up his eyes going dark color.

- You bitch.

He said as he took my hair in his fist.

- What do you think? Whom am I doing this all for? I told you one million times that I love you and you're mine. We will live happily. That asshole does not deserve someone like you.

He said coming so close to my face as I looked at him with a stern look.

- And you think you do? Well let me burst your little bubble, you don't deserve my love and neither friendship. Nothing.

I said. He gritted his teeth as he raised his hand to punch me. I closed my eyes to feel the pain. But nothing came. I opened my eyes as I saw him. He was on his knees hands. His head down. I could see his shoulders shaking.

- S-suho?

I whispered.

- You're right. I don't deserve you. I don't deserve anything.

He said. It was the first time I saw him cry. Like I never saw him cry even when we were little. He got up and opened my tape and came and sat in front of me kneeling down.

- But I assure you miso, I love you. I know my ways aren't right, but trust me when I say this, nobody can love you the way I do. Please accept me.

He said looking at me. I was speechless. Just now he was ready to punch me and now he is crying in front of me begging me to accept. Eh?

I got up from the chair and sat in front of him. I held his hands being alert.

- look Suho, I know. I know everything. But I just want to tell you that, I don't care whether your love is right or wrong. But my feeling for you would never change. You were always a friend to me. A very close and best friend. And now after this all, I don't even know if I feel the same way.

I said. He looked at me. A psychotic grin on his face.

- Then I guess we can just solve this matter?

He said I gave him a confused look.

- I cannot live without you. And I can never see you with anyone else, and you won't accept me. So let's just kill you shall we?

He said as he took out a gun from his back. I widen my eyes.

- you psycho. Are you crazy or what?

I yelled at him as he just laughed.

- look at you being desperate. I was this desperate too when I asked you to accept my love but you didn't. I will kill both of us. At least if not here but somewhere we can be one. Right my love?

He said grazing the gun on my cheekbone. Cold sweat started to form on my forehead.

- No please no. You're not in your senses right now. Don't make any foolish decisions.

I pleaded but he didn't listen as he bought the gun to my forehead. I closed my eyes praying the almighty for a miracle. Just when he was about to press the trigger we heard a roaring voice of an engine. And suddenly in a blink of an eye, 4 Jeeps appeared breaking the walls.

I gasped as I saw Jaehyung driving the Jeep which was in the front. It came and stopped right near my chair.

He got out of the vehicle as he ran towards Suho and punched him hard.

A sigh left my lips.

My hero is here!


Hey lovelies!!

How are you?

What do you think? What will Taehyung do to Suho? What will Miso's decision be?

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Thank you. I purple you 💜


I wasn't able to find my book today. I re installed the app but there was no point. I panicked so hard. I thought that I lost this book. But thank god I got it back. Hehe~

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