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After the lunch finished a lot of guests started coming. I was surprised by the amount of people coming to a "birthday" party. Like come on for my birthday parties it's only me mom dad Jaebum. Is it not supposed to be more like a family thing rather than fancy thing?

More guests more awkward introductions.

I was said to meet every human here because of course I am girlfriend of Kim Taehyung.

I sighed. I was standing in the kitchen because I was thirsty. I drank some cold water when I heard someone's foot steps.

I turned around to see Mrs. Kim coming in. I smiled at her as she returned the sweet gesture.

- Miso? Can you please help me to bake something? I suppose you know how to bake?

She asked with a chuckle.


-Yes of course, I bake since a very long time now.

I said with a cheerful smile. Apparently, when I was 11 I baked a cake because according to my mom, Girls who don't know how to bake are good for nothing.

I smiled at the memory.

- So what should we bake?

Mrs. Kim asked with an excited tone as she started rubbing her hands.

I laughed.

- Let's bake some cookies.

I said as we started to bake. I had a lot of fun with her catching up everything as she told me how she used to scold Taehyung whenever he teased me. And how I once complained about Taehyung and she took me out to eat ice cream.

I shook my head at those memories.

- I am very glad that Taehyung had chosen you.

She said with a small smile. I looked at her confused.

- Taehyung has always been this type of guy who covers himself up. Does not likes to show his emotions to anyone never tells anyone even if he is hurt. He bottle up his emotions. I have always been worried about him as you can see my other two children they are very extrovert. Opposite of Taehyung. So I am afraid that he may feel left out. My poor boy, had to face to same difficult situations since a young age. His father always goes hard on him, he is just like his father. Both of them fails miserably to show their emotions. 

She said and trailed off as if looking back in those days.

- I am glad he choose you. Because you bring the best of him out. Maybe you both won't be able to know now, but you will...soon.

She said as the oven ringed a 'ting' sound distracting us.

I wish you knew how this all is fake and not real and me and Taehyung are not actually... meant to be.

I sighed and blinked continuously to stop the tears. I smiled and went towards the oven and took out the dish of cookies.

- Ah I am afraid I need to go.

I heard Mrs. Kim saying. I turned around and saw her removing her apron. I nodded.

- It's alright Mrs. Kim I only need to put some more and I will be out too.

I said and smiled but she frowned. I looked at her confused

- Didn't I told you to call me mom?

She said with a frown as I laughed awkwardly.

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now