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- I have something to say. 

I said to Taehyung as he looked at me and nodded his head. I took a deep breath in as I said what has been bothering me for such a long time. 

- I-I am sorry. 

I said to him and he looked at me with his same blank expression. He tilted his head

- Sorry? Why you saying sorry?

- Uh, actually, I heard you saying that you weren't going to hang out with the group anymore if I will be with them. So practically you were not there with them because of me, I'm sorry for that. 

He turned his whole body towards me. I was sitting on the edge of the bed. Maintaining some distance

- So you're telling me you're sorry because you think I wasn't hanging out with them because of you?

He said and I looked down and nodded biting my lip because I felt like crying as he had a surprised expression on his face. Suddenly he burst into laughter.


- You're so gullible.

He said and laughed more

- You really think I won't be hanging around because of you?

I looked up and I felt embarrassed as I was shocked to hear him. 

- you must think high of yourself. Don't just think I only have them as my friends. I have some other humans too.

He said and I was trying my best to control my embarrassment. I said sorry to this fucker for no reason. 

- Great. I will take my sorry back them. 

I said and got up as I went and sat on my desk, trying to study. I heard the bed shifting and Taehyung came and leaned on the desk.

- What?

I looked up at him as he was looking down at me. 

- What what?

I repeated his question as he rolled his eyes and looked at my books and then at me. 

- Why did you suddenly came here and started studying?

- because it was my plan.


- You were literally studying the whole afternoon.

- So?

- So take a break.

He said calmly as I looked at him.

- I won't. If you're bored you can go.

I said and continued my work. To be honest, I finished all my work. But since I want to avoid him I am going to just revise all of it. God he really is a nuisance. 

I felt his gaze on me. I looked up to see he was looking at me with a strange expression....

Why the heck is he smirking?

- I knew you were smart. But I never knew you could study a upside down book.

- Huh?

I looked at the book it was upside down.


- uhm I was wondering if I could read it or not.

I said and he leaned towards me decreasing the gap between us.

- Oh really? I see.

He said and licked his lips looking down I followed his gaze to see that he was gazing at my chest. 


I said and slapped his chest as he laughed when I pushed him away. Suddenly the phone started ringing. 

Thanks heaven.

 - hey mom

-how's my daughter doing?

- I'm fine mom. How are you?

- We are going on a trip. So... I'm busy I guess.

I heard her chuckle and smiled. 

- It's good, you both need a break from your busy lives.

- What are you doing Miso?

- Huh? ohI was studying.

- are you alone?

I looked at Taehyung he seems to hear our conversation. I panicked as I blabbered something. 

- uh uhm y-yea-yeah mom.. I'm alone. Mom I will talk to you later. Bye love you.

I said and quickly cut the call. I sighed. I don't like lying at all. Especially to someone I love the most.

- It's not good to lie kitten.

He said and I can feel his breath on my neck. I quickly turned around and saw he was really close. So close that I can smell his cologne.

Holy heavens! He smells so freaking nice. 

He moved towards me and kept his right hand on my waist. 

- You sure have a good figure. But it's good that you hide it.

I was breathing heavily. As if my body knows how to react to him. To his words. To his actions. He pulled me. And now there's literally no space between us. I was standing there in this man's arms who is the reason my school life was messed up. Who always fights with me, who loves to tease me whom I hate so much. 

Yet I am feeling butterflies in my stomach. 

Crap. I'm wasted.

- Are you really a virgin?

He asked no he whispered in my ear.

I cannot speak anything so I just nodded my head.

- So you didn't even did things with yourself?

- huh? what do you mean by that?

I breathed. He looked at me.

- Uhm. Didn't you touch yourself?

- Well no-

- I see. We have a lot of things to do baby girl.

( YES. YES I REMOVED THE ' aRe yOu gOnNa MaKe lOvE tO mE' PART)

I felt my cheeks turning hot when he said that. 

- We are going to do some things okay?

I looked up at him shocked. 

-  W-what do you mean 'things?' M-move. 

I said as he had a charming smile on his face when he looked at me. 

- I won't do anything to you until you allow me to, so tell me Lee Miso, do you want me to do some things with you?


Hey lovelies!!

How are you?

what do you think about this part? I know it's short. But wooh wooh next chapter is going to be interesting. What do you think? will Miso really allow him to do "things" with her? And what will happen if she allow him? Does Taehyung have feeling for her? Is it related to their past?

Well please do continue to support me like this. And please do vote. 

Thank you. I purple you 💜

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