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After the festival was done both of us went out and we were about to sit on the bike when both of us heard my stomach grumbling. I gulped and looked down as I held my stomach, he looked at me with a smug face. 

- Why don't you tell your Minho Oppa to feed you? 

He asked as I bit my lip and looked at him with puppy eyes. 

- Please, the dinner is on me. I am very hungry because I was jumping up all the time. 

I said as he scoffed and told me to sit down. I excitedly sat down and rested my head on his shoulders as I felt weak after being excited so much. I have enjoyed way too much today. It was currently 8 pm which meant it will be almost 10 until we return back. We soon stopped at an old restaurant as I got down. 

I held my head even though I was wearing a helmet. I heard him laughing. 

- come here.

He said and took out the helmet as I sighed and started to fix my hair. 

- Woahhhh look at your cheeks. They are bright red.

He said and was laughing

- S-shut up. 

I said as I massaged my head. He leaned in as he looked at me and I was taken-aback by his sudden movement. 

- Does your head ache?

He asked me he was so close and all the people were looking at us. I nodded.  He took my face in his hands and kissed my fore head.

- Eat a lot and you will feel good. 

 He said and grinned. Our sweet moment was ruined by our stomach growling. We laughed and got in the restaurant.

- What do you want to eat ma'am?

The waiter asked as I looked at him to find he was a young man. I looked at the menu. 

 - Uhm I would get back to you in a moment

I said and he straighten up. Still standing here.

- What do you want to eat?

I asked him when I noticed he was staring no wait glaring at the waiter.

- Anything is fine.

He mumbled as I sighed.

- Please bring two enoki mushrooms please with noodles too. And yeah, soft drinks too. 

I said to him and he gave a sweet smile and I returned it after that he left. I looked around and saw a baby. I hate babies. I mean they are fine of they are under 1 but after that hell no. Taehyung seemed to notice me looking some where else.

- Seems like even you like babies. 

He said.

Thank god his mood changed.

- Even I like babies-

- EW no I don't like babies.

He flinched as he looked at me with wide eyes. I almost laughed when I realized he could be like this too. 

- Why? The babies are so cute. 

- Cute? They are little devils. God, they always do whatever they want and not to forget they just poop whenever they want. 

- Well duh! They are babies. 

- I like them only till they are three. Once they start to walk, I don't even want to talk about that. 

- Why? You look like you have a bad experience. 

- You know, once my little cousin sister asked me my phone because she wanted to play games and when I declined she was quiet. After some time she fell somewhere and told my aunt that I was the one who beat her up. (based on real life :'))

I said as the anger started to fill inside my body remembering the incident. I looked at Taehyung who was laughing holding his stomach as I shook my head. 

- Damn, she really did that. 

After sometime we were given our order. I started to eat while talking with him as he shared why he loved children so much. Suddenly three guys came and stood at our table. 

- Hey dude what ya doing here?

- Suho?


Hey lovelies!!! 

How are you? 

Yaya new entry.

What do you think? What role does Suho play in their life?

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Thank you. I purple you 💜


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