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The night was spent talking with each other as we heard birds chirping and we were surprised to see that the sun started to rise. Both of us stood up as we saw the sun rising and the view was so breath-taking. 

- It's so beautiful. 

I whispered looking at the sky turning into different colors as he sighed and stretched as he let out a yawn. I turned to see him as I smiled at him and he returned the gesture. 

- Thank you so much for showing me this place, but I didn't sleep at all and I have classes in a few hours. 

I grumbled as he scoffed. 

- You were continuously talking nobody could say you felt sleepy. 

- Well of course, I wasn't feeling sleepy. I just had the best night possible. 

I said and looked at the river again as the water now was shining with sun rays. Taehyung looked at me as I raised an eyebrow. 

- What? 

- Best night huh? 

I realised what I said as I gulped and avoided eye contact with him as I started walking back and I could hear Taehyung laughing. 

- Yah! You're going in the wrong direction. Come back! 

He said as we both made our way back to the university.  I sneakily went inside my room as I was relieved to see Jeongyeon who was still sleeping and I let out a sigh of relief. I was thinking of every best possible answer for her every question but now that was asleep I could just avoid it. I took my clothes and went to have a shower and get ready for my classes. 



We all sat in our places.

Usual lunch and my usual self

They all were talking about some random things. 

- Yah Jungkook-ah why don't you change your major ?

Jimin asked

- Hm? Why would I?

Jungkook looked at him confused as he was chewing his burger, both his cheeks filled with food as I chuckled looking at him before poking his cheeks. 

- Because you're good at both singing and dancing. You're even good at sports.

Mina stated as Jungkook showed me a no sign before continuing to listen to her. 

- Yeah. Come and join in arts.

Momo said.

- Yeah then you can see this handsome face of mine.

Jin said.

- I would rather like to die.

Jungkook said and everyone laughed.

- But why don't you want to join arts? Why choose engineering? 

Yoongi asked.

- Hyung you know my brother. He became a doctor and now he wanted me to become an engineer. Plus, it's interesting and I am good at it. 

- But you're better in other stuff. 

Hope said.

- You can sing? And dance too?

I asked Jungkook

- He can? He is the best at it.

Dahyun said as she pointed her chopsticks at him but Jungkook ignored her, continuing to eat his food. 

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