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- No it's just that a good girl like you cannot do anything bad.

Taehyung said with a mocking voice.

Ughhhh he need to stop.

- Who said that? I can do anything. Anything that also contains anything bad.

I said as I sat straight with a competitive posture. There is nothing Lee Miso cannot do. An idea popped in my mind.

- Well, I doubt tha-

I got up and sat on his lap, and wrapped my hands around his neck and moving any further I whispered in his ear..

- you should not underestimate me. Now face the consequences.

I whispered and kissed him, while grinding on him. I don't know how I got this much strength or where I learned to grind, maybe it is because of my competitive spirit? Or maybe it is because it is Taehyung.

He immediately responded to my actions. We both were kissing- no we were literally eating out each other.

My hands wrapped around Taehyung's neck, his hands held me as if he does not want to leave me, ever.

He pulled back. We were breathing so heavily. I put my head on his fore head. Our breaths mixed with each other. Non of us moved.

I remembered what I just did. And I widen my eyes. I was so embarrassed.

I heard Taehyung's deep chuckled.

- Remembered now what you did?

He said. I bit my lip in embarrassment.

I slowly got off of him. But he just pulled me back.

Well come on, at least I tried.

- No need to be embarrassed baby.

He said and kissed my fore head. I smiled.

But then what he did next was so so so so so so irritating.

- But what you did does not make you any braver or bad girl.

He whispered in my ear and laughed. Aishhhh I hate him.

- I hate you.

I said and got up but he was still on the bed laughing while holding his stomach.

- Oh no you don't.

He said and laughed more. I looked at him annoyed. I turned around and went to my desk.

- Go and freshen up in your room. Then we will make our presentation. Get out.

I said as I started to clean my desk.

- as you say.

He said and continued to laugh. We heard the door open. I turned around and saw Jimin Jeongyeon Jungkook and mina.

I froze. Shit. If they know that Taehyung was here all night , it will be a big problem.

- Taehyung? What are you doing here?

Mina asked as soon as they entered.

I looked at Taehyung and he looked back at me. I slowly shook my head as a "no". I swear to god if he will tell anything I will kill him.

- I thought you left. Why did you come here?

Jimin asked.

- Uhm I came to check on her. And also Jeongyeon.

He said.

- why me? I am alright. Perfectly fine.

She said smirking.


- because I wanted to. Is there a problem?

- Are you okay now? Do you have cold or anything?

Jungkook said as he kept his hand on my fore head. I shook my head as no.

- I am fine. I have a little cold but I will be okay. 

I said and smiled and he showed me his famous bunny smile.

He pinched my nose.

- That's good to hear.

He said and I could feel someone's stare at me. I looked around and saw Taehyung glaring at me.

- Bro come on let's go and eat something.

Jimin said pulling Taehyung and Jungkook with him.

- Wait I am coming too. Bye girls.

Mina said and left.

- Tell me everything.

Jeongyeon said. I looked at her and grinned.

- I KNEW IT. he was here for the whole night. Ha I'm the best.

She said and rubbed her nose.

I gave her a boring look.

- But Miso. You guys did not do anything.. uhm nasty, right?

She said. She suddenly became so serious.

- No. I mean we only cuddled and slept. Taehyung said that I should take more time and moreover we both have cold. So..

I said and she sighed.

- why?

I asked.

- uhm. Just rethink about Taehyung.


Hey lovelies! ! ! How are you?

What do you think?  What does Jeongyeon mean by this? What is the actual intention? And moreover Jihyun. What do you think about him?

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Thank you. I purple you 💜

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