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The lunch was like usual, chaotic. Everyone were arguing over simple things while I was enjoying my lunch. After lunch we escorted to our classes. As soon as we entered the class as usual all the girls were staring at Taehyung. Me and Dahyun were back of him.

- These girls are really something. Jeez

She said disgustingly

- But I guess not only the girls the boys too.

- Huh?

- Look all the guys staring at you.

I said and winked her.

- Not even interested.

She said and we were chatting when a hand pulled me.

- what the..

I was turned around and I saw Jihyun.

- Hey Miso~

- Hi. And what is that way of saying "hey"

He grinned as he scratched his back of neck. 

- I am sorry.

I nodded as I asked him what he wanted. 

- Well it's my birthday party, and I am inviting probably every one. And you are the special guest.

- Huh? Why am I the special guest?

I tilted my head in confusion as I looked at the card in my hand and looked back at him. 

- Well because you are my best buddy.

He said and nudged my hand with his elbow.

I smiled at him.

- First tell me when. We still need to do the projects remember?

- Yeah it is after 3 weeks.

- Huh? You still have 3 weeks and you are telling me now?

I said shaking my head as he nodded his head. 

- Yes you were the first one to know.

He said and showed me his hand.

- Hifi?

He asked and I gave him a "hi fi" we were laughing when I suddenly felt someone's gaze on me.

I looked around to see Taehyung glaring at us.

One of my part was telling me to make him jealous so that I can be clear with his feelings but the other part of me was telling me to shut the fuck up and go and sit beside Taehyung. I remembered how last time when I hung out with Jihyun he literally kidnapped me. 

- are you listening?

Jihyun asked me. I looked at him. Yes I am going to follow my first part.

- Yes of course.

We were chatting for a long time we gave fist bums to each other we even agreed to hang out after the projects are done. And I can clearly see Taehyung was hearing everything. The professor entered and I quickly went back to my place.

- I hope you guys started discussing your projects.

The professor said.

I looked at Taehyung.

- Where are we going?

- We can go if you are free from making plans about hanging out with some other people.

Yayyyyy plan successful!!

- What do you mean?

- Nothing. After the school we will go to that place.

- First tell me where we are going?

- Tsk. Shut up.

I looked away.



I was standing here waiting for Taehyung to show up from the last 30 minutes.

Ugh, where the heck is he?

I wore a pastel pink long sleeve shirt and a skinny jeans. I thought of wearing a cap too but the weather was too good. I was so excited but this jerk is always late.

I remember those times now.

5 years ago

Taehyung invited me for ice cream. I was waiting in front of our school gate for half an hour. I think he won't come. This was the first time I lied to my parents saying I was actually going to meet my friend instead of saying I was going to meet Taehyung. I knew that my parents won't allow me after all those incidents. But Taehyung changed he is not like that anymore. He is a good boy now.

But I guess he won't be showing up today. I was sad I sat on the bench and started crying. I wore this special dress for today. My cream dress, and my new pink shoes. I thought I will be with Taehyung the whole day and we will enjoy a lot.

Suddenly I heard a voice "ttring ttring" isn't it Taehyung's cycles ring? I looked up and saw those dark brown eyes and a long hand waving at me. I ran towards him.

- What took you so long?

I said and pouted.

- I am really sorry. There was an emergency. But wait why are you crying?

- I thought you won't be coming

I looked down and sniffed.

- I would never leave you alone like this. Promise.

He said and showed his pinky

I took it and we grinned at each other. I sat behind him on the cycle and we went to eat ice cream.

- YAH.

I looked up. And saw those familiar dark brown eyes which were starting to make me fall deeper. 

- I am calling you from that time. What the fuck are you thinking?

- I am sorry.

I said and stood up. He was on a bike. He was wearing a helmet, black leather jacket, leather gloves and black shoes.

- Wait- Miso, are you crying?

He said and quickly got off the bike as he removed his helmet, his fluffy hair a mess now as he took my face in his hands as I was taken aback and was confused why was I even crying? 

- What happened? Every thing okay?

- y-yeah of course I am.

He looked in my eyes.

- were you thinking that I won't come?

He said and I looked away. He made me look at him again.

-I would never leave you alone like this. I promise.

He said as he ruffled my hair with his hands pulling my cheeks.


Hey lovelies!! How are you? What do you think about this part?

What do you think? Where is Taehyung taking Miso? Did you find anything suspicious about Jihyun? What is going to happen at that place? What is the real face of people around Miso?

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Thank you . I purple you!💜

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