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The hardest thing I have ever done is walk away still madly in love with you.


Death, that sounded much more easy to me rather than living without her. The moment she stepped outside of my house, she not only took my heart with her she took my soul, my happiness, my peace everything. And left me with nothing but agony and loneliness.

The guilt was killing me inside. The biggest regret I have is that I couldn't give my explanation to her. She just left without letting me explain. I still remember vividly that night. I know that I was at fault I always am. I felt worst when I just drove off from there. So I went back but she was no where to be seen.

And then I got a text from an unknown number with a picture of my miso kissing that asshole Jinyoung. The pain I felt was unimaginable. I just thought that we had a small fight and she already ran to someone else for shelter.

Is this what betrayal feels like? Is this what she felt?

These questions were roaming in my head. I went to nearest bar and drank till I couldn't feel my any muscle. I remember the bartender taking my phone and calling Miso but she didn't pick up and then Jennie walked in she took me with her and then I just don't remember anything. But I could feel it in my bones that I didn't had any sexual thing with her.

I never cheated on her, never after she told me if I broke her heart again she would never come back to me. I was always afraid of letting people go and she, Lee Miso was the only girl I have ever loved. How could I let go of her? I never slept with Jennie but she never gave me a chance to explain. I tried finding her everywhere but it was like she disappeared like smoke in the air. 

And while I was searching for, still madly in love with her I saw her. She was dressed in a beautiful yellow dress but before I could go to her I heard a loud noise. A very loud noise, it was ear curdling noise. The next thing I knew, I woke up two years later. 

Ten years. It's been Ten years since she left. The love for her never decreased but the hate for her did increase.

For the past ten years my mother is sick of me. She appointed many doctors for me. But it was all of no use. Maybe I was not co operating? I guess I was.

Kim Taehyung. The name which is dominating the industry is so fragile. Thinking back I always was. But she held me tight just to let go of my hand.

- Mr. Kim the doctor from the states which your mother asked for is going to come next week. Your therapy sessions are going to start from next week.

Chan young, my secretary said. I sighed.

-Give me his details.

I said.

- I am afraid it's a female.

He said as I nodded my head, my eyes were still fixed on the document. 

- I see. Email me his details.

I said as he bowed and left. I sat back and massaged my temples. I heard the notification sound as I sat straight and saw the email.

Respected Mr. Kim Taehyung

This email is to inform you about the new psychologists.


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Ms. Lee Miso. 

Date of birth: 13:08:,1996

Nationality: Korean

Qualifications: Psychologist professor, one of the best Asian Psychologist, completed her PhD in the Columbia University. 

I was beyond shocked when I saw who was my new doctor. The memories started to flood my mind and I realized what kind of game the destiny was playing with us. 

- Baby, let the games begin. 


Hey lovelies!!!

How are you?

Here's a Taehyung pov for you all.


What do you think? Did Miso really kissed someone? Who is more hurt? Who is right and who is wrong?

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Thank you. I purple you 💜

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