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After a while I went down to eat something as I was starving. As soon as I got down the stairs I saw Jeongyeon and mom speaking with each other. They saw me and Jeongyeon ran towards me 

- I was so worried. Are you okay?

She asked as mom came behind her and hugged me.

- Miso dear, are you okay? Why did you have an attack?

She asked lace of worry clear in her eyes. I just nodded and smiled.

- I am hungry now so can I please go and eat something?

I asked and mom quickly nodded her head.

- Of course dear let's go-

She was saying when Jeongyeon cut her.

- Auntie I guess I should go with her. You are tired and you need to rest. It's your birthday tomorrow, and you need to look fresh.

She said as mom nodded.

- yes yes, true. I will go now. Miso dear take care of yourself okay?

She said and I nodded my head.


We entered the kitchen, and Jeongyeon turned towards me.

- Spill.

She said as I eyed her nervously.

Well, she can be scary sometimes.

- uhm w-w-what?

I asked playing dumb.

- Shut the fuck up and tell me why did you had another anxiety attack? Otherwise I will go and tell everyone about your and Taehyung's past.

She said and I widen my eyes.

- Fine fine I will tell. Jeez such a black mailer.

I sighed and told her everything. And now she was boiling with anger as her eyes held tears.

I hugged her and comforted her.

- Assholes. They deserve to rot in hell. How dare they do this to you? 

She said and I just patted her back.

- I feel disgusted that I have to talk with that Jennie, 

She said and I parted away from her.

- Don't say that jeon.

I said as she wiped the corner of her eyes.

- How can you be so naïve Miso? Look, I know that Taehyung does not know about this and he had no idea or whatsoever, but he clearly did so many worse things to you and you are still here as his 'girlfriend? Didn't you say he lead you onto something and then broke your heart?

She asked.

- I am only here because of my father. I love him a lot, appa has done a lot of things for me even though I am not his biological daughter. I have to do at least this much for him.  

I said and smiled as she scoffed 

- Look, seriously I cannot just wrap my head around this fact that you got a panic attack because of that bitch.

She said and I just nodded listening to her rant.

- I'm so gonna kill that bitch.

She said making a fist as I chuckled.

- calm down my heroine!

I said and she whined.

- aah Miso promise me if she sees you again like this you're going to break her jaw. Like come on girl you are a taekwondo champion. You got this, fighting girl!

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now