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The party.


As we got into the car and drove to the place where the party is held.

- Your house is way big enough then why did you guys have the party somewhere else?

I asked taehyung who sat on the drivers seat. He looked at me as he said.

- The seat belt.

He said and I took the seat belt but I could not pull it. I tried to pull it but I just could not. I looked at taehyung and gave him a cheesy smile. He looked at me and sighed. 

- First the helmet and now the seat belt you are making me think that you like making me work for you.

He said while tucking the seat belt our faces held near each other and our breaths mixed up with each other's. My heart started beating vigorously. I pecked his lips.

- I guess I like it this way.

I said to him and laughed at his reaction he surely was not expecting this as he just sat there still without moving. I laughed out loud.

- your face.

I said holding my stomach with my hands. He suddenly came near me and pecked me and bit my lower lip and kissed me again.

I hitched my breath and looked at him with a shocked pikachu face. (owo) Now it was his turn to laugh.

- You amuse me miso.

He said as he seated in his seat.

- We are going to be late.

He said and started driving.


We entered the hall and my jaw dropped.

- These many people.

I said and gasped. 

-oh look! Your mouth is hanging on the floor.

Taehyung who was standing beside me said as he pointed at the ground and I smacked his arm.

- shut up!

We got down the stairs and Taehyung started greeting the guests. I spotted mom. I looked at Taehyung who was busy with the humans I didn't know existed. I went towards mom and hugged her as she said.

- You look so pretty dear

She said and I shook my head and smiled. 

- You're the one who is shining today mom.

I said and she hugged me again and kissed my temple.

- Where is tae?

She asked and I showed him where he was and snickered.

- Aishh that boy even today I need to go and meet him.

She said and I felt bad for her.

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now