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I was packing my bags. I still cannot believe fate has bought us to meet like this. Does he know? Does he know that I am his new doctor? What will his reaction be? What will he think? Does he remember me?

The anxiety was killing me. I packed the bags as I went outside and took the bags with me and kept it in the hall. I went to the balcony and stood there.

-Still didn't sleep?

I heard the voice of Jihyo. I smiled and shook my head. She came and stood beside me.

- I really don't know what you are going through. But I just want to ask you this Miso.

She asked and I hummed and nodded.

- If like if, there's going to be a situation where you can choose Taehyung again what will you do? Will you accept him?

She said and my thoughts trailed off. I didn't want to answer that question because I know the answer. I don't care how much I hate him or how much I despise him how much he disgusts me, in the end I will still go to him but I am pretty sure that I am strong enough to control myself. I have lived almost 11 years without him so I can live my rest of life.

- I doubt about that Jihyo. Yes, it's going to be very hard to control myself my feelings. But nothing is impossible you know?

I said and smiled she kept a hand on my shoulder.

- Believe me when I say I have never seen such a positive and strong person ever. You are so strong Miso, you don't need him.

She said as she hugged me. Tears of happiness filled my eyes. We heard a groan.

- Yah are you both doing this without me? How dare you both?

Sana said rubbing her eyes as we spread our hands as she came running and hugged us and we chuckled.


My flight landed on the airport of Korea. I sucked a deep breath in. 

You are strong Miso.

Jihyo's words repeated in my mind. I took my luggage and was standing outside when I saw the board.

Lee Miso. 

I waved my hand and went towards the door it was the man David showed me. I sat in the car as we drove off. We parked in front of the hotel.

M&T Hotel.

The name I saw of the hotel dried my throat.

- w-whos hotel is this?

I asked the man. He turned he was a young man prolly in his mid 20's.

- This hotel belongs to the patient you will be treating. Kim Taehyung.

He said as I just nodded. We entered the hotel and the registration was already done of course. I got the key when I looked at the room number my mind stopped working.

C-33. My university's dorm room number.

I tried to shake it off as I opened the room and went inside soon my luggage was inside I decided to text Sana and Jihyo.

Three heroines 😎🤘

-arrived safely :)

I clicked the send and went to shower as they both prolly be sleeping right now. I took the shower and changed into sweatpants when I got a call.

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now