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They all left after saying me not to get on trouble again. I thanked Jeongyeon for saving me. And of course kook for literally saving me. Otherwise I would have died there in front of Taehyung's eyes. Well I don't mind that too.  They promised me to bring ice cream. They all are still kids.

Everyone left accept one.

I saw him standing there leaning against the wall.

I stood up and folded my blanket and made my bed.

After that I put my hair in a messy bun. I went and sat on my desk. 

I heard his heavy footsteps coming towards me. My heart was beating fast. Why the heck am I nervous?

- Miso.. 

I heard him. His voice sounded so tiring. I gulped as I was having an inner war with myself, should I be the bigger and mature person and listen to him? Or, should I behave like a child and be angry? 

I decided not to answer back.

-  I know what I did was unforgiving. But please this time forgive me. I was too surprised to see those bastard there. 

- You are still hanging out with them?

I asked. I cannot stop myself from asking him this. I was way too curious.

- Huh?

- You heard me.

I was not even speaking. My voice was merely a whisper, it's because of the distance he can hear me. Not like I am the only one whispering.

- I am not. Not after you said me not to. I only hang out with these people now.

He said. His voice sounded convincing. But again I trust him way too much to believe his every single word.

I hummed in response.

- I'm really sorry.

He said as his lips touched my ear. And I just stopped breathing.

- Taehyung please..

I said and he moved away.

- So you forgive me?

He said coming face to face as I shook my head. 

- Not until you answer my question truthfully, Taehyung. 

I said as he looked at me, he looked nervous as he slowly nodded. 

- Jungkook said you were also standing there seeing me. Is that true?

I asked and saw him gulping.  He hesitated to answer first but eventually did.

- yes I was.

- Why did you not come to me then?  Why were you just standing there? Do you like seeing me in pain? Was that the reason why you never saved me back in school too? 

I asked him as I was on the verge of breaking down in front of him as he shook his head. 

- I don't, God no. Why would I feel good watching you in pain? 

- Then why did you not come to me? 

- I don't know, Miso. I don't know why I was standing there like a statue. 

He said as I did not say anything.

I learned this that when Taehyung tells my name. He is dead ass serious.

- What are these feelings? I know I did not treat you properly when we were young. But now, it's like you are my responsibility. The thing is I don't know how to treat you. So eventually I end up being a jerk. These are some foreign feelings for me. I don't know how to act when I am around you, I get nervous and giddy and that's why I just act how I am with everyone else. 

He said and held my shoulders as I looked at him, his eyes were showing how sincere he was. 

- I like to take care of you. But why didn't I come to you when you fainted. Why did I allowed someone else taking care of my responsibility? Why didn't I do anything?

He asked as he pushed his hair back, his eyes were shining with tears as I was taken aback by his confession. 

- Why do you think you did that? 

I asked as he looked at me. 

- Because I thought you needed time away from me, I couldn't leave you there alone so I was standing looking after you. 

He answered as I let out a frustrated sigh. 

- Why would I want that? I wanted you to come to me and give a proper explanation to me. Not pushing me away more and more. 

- I am sorry that I couldn't take good care of you. But please give me this chance to take care of you. Be mine.

He said those words as I widened my eyes and I could not process what he just said. 

- I have never been in a relationship, I don't know anything but all I know is that I want to be with you. I like you and I don't want to run away anymore. 

He confessed as I could not say anything. Instead I turned away from him and when I turned back he looked at me in confusion and fear. I walked towards him as I held his face in my hands 

I kissed him.

He was shocked first but in a second he kissed me back. He held my waist and pulled me closer to him, his other hand on my neck as we were lost in each other. I moved back as I looked at him, I could see that he was red I pushed his hair back and when I touched his forehead I was surprised to see how hot it was. 

 Shit. He has fever. How can I forget that even he was in the rain?


Hey lovelies! ! How are you? 

What do you think?  Is this a new start for Miso and Taehyung? Or a dead end? Is Taehyung serious about his feelings and Miso? What is the reality?

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Thank you. I purple you 💜

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