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I was fighting for my life as I struggled to get out the man's grip. My heart started to beat fast and I was crying by now. I took a deep breath in when I smelled a similar cologne. 

Ladies and gentlemen, it's none other than

Kim Taehyung.

I was constantly beating his chest, trying to scream, trying to get myself free. But to be honest, my heart was a bit calmed when I realised it was himI felt myself being kept on the floor, and the hand moving from my mouth.

- You bite and licked my hand.

I heard the deep familiar voice and I felt mixed emotions as he wiped his hands and looked at me. 

I stood up and pushed him and was beating his chest.

- Ahhhh stop it. You already bet me a lot.

He said but I didn't stop.

- Why are you back of me? Why can't you just leave me alone? 

I was blabbering, as I kept screaming and beating him when he held my hand and pulled me closer to him, so close I could feel his hot breath on my face. 

- If you don't stop then I will kiss you. 

I stopped but I was holding myself from crying in front of him. I don't want him to see me weak. But this was too much for me I moved away from him as I started to take deep breaths and calmed myself down. 

Okay Miso, it is no big deal stop being mad at him for every single thing. 

I chanted the lines in my head for few times as I calmed down and turned back to face him when he was sitting on a rock and looking down. His knees near his chest as I could see, the moonlight illuminating his features. I cleared my throat as he looked up to see me and gulped. 

- Uh, I apologize for scaring you like that. 

I heard him mutter as I fought the urge to laugh looking at him, he now looked so innocent as if he was just simply an angel. 

- You're what?

I have never really heard him apologizing to anyone. It was his second time apologizing to me and I was enjoying every moment of it. 

 - sorry..

He whispered as I sighed and nodded, he looked at me again as he looked curious about something. 

- Do you want to ask something to me? 

- That guy.. Is he.. is he your..

- Guy? What guy? Which guy?

- The one whom you went on a date with.

I let out a scoff as I shook my head. 

- I didn't go on any date. 

- Don't lie to me. You went there alone and came back with a guy. With all those packets.

- So? What if I went on a date? Why does it bother you? And those packets were-

I widen my eyes at the realisation. Shit those packets.


I yelled and slapped my forehead as I wanted to die for the nth time this day. 

- what about those packets?

He looked at me innocently as I was too shocked to say anything. 

- My clothes... those packets..

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now