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It's been a month since that night, me and Taehyung were normal now. He and I were just a doctor and a patient now. We used to meet exactly at 6 PM at his office or room whatever and at exactly 8 pm I left his room. This was my daily routine. He was progressing so much and was doing everything I said. 

We tried different methods and different activities for him. We both did a lot of physical exercises and I had to write different medications to him. The medicines he was taking was very high dosage and it just ruined his health more and more.  Although, the journey is still very long, I am sure Taehyung will be fine. 

There was a knock on my door as I got up and opened it and whom I saw in front of me, it was like all of the emotions coming and striking me at once.

Taehyung's Mom.

I was beyond shock. Tears started to form in my eyes as my hand grasped my mouth. As the lady in front of me teared up.

- m-miso-ah.

She said as she hugged me tight. I hugged her back as we both wept. 


- He isolated himself after you left. For two years he never spoke a word to anyone, for two years my son was in coma. Baekhyun said he didn't want to handle the business and want to do something else so he left and Taehyung's father got a heart attack after hearing it. Poor child, at a very young age he was pressured to take over the business. He never even got the time to heal himself.

Mom explained as I nodded understanding. I held her hands.

-You will be glad to know that he is improving, he is not being so impulsive and he is going outdoors meeting people without swearing at them that much. His brain is starting to function properly again. He is reducing the amount of medications he was taking. It is a good sign.

I said to her as she let out a breath of relief.

- Its all because of you.

She said smiling at me.

- Yeah maybe because I am good at my profession.

I chuckled as she shook her head.

- No honey, its because you are good at being you.

It was 6 PM and I was waiting for him to come. As I was waiting I thought of taking a round in his office.

It's not right to check other peoples things Miso get back to your place.

My good side was telling me as I nodded.

Oh come on! As if you don't know that person. You have known him for your entire life. And not like he is coming any time soon. The moment that big ass door opens get your ass back to the couch.

Well, this is not lie either

He is gonna kill you if he finds out.

Oh shut up.

In the end I decided to go with my bad side. A little fun wont hurt huh?

I got up and looked around the office. Different types of awards were placed on the shelves alongside his pictures receiving them. One of the picture of him and the president. One was with him and his friends. The next picture was of him and Suho.


On his desk, on the glass it was written boldly


The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now