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Hey lovelies! this chapter is dedicated to sulli. She was such a pure soul. She never deserved those malicious comments. Don't lose your life like that. If you want anyone to talk to I am always here. You can anytime text me or if you want my other social media I can give you that. Please if you have any problem talk with someone you trust. Don't let those people degrade you.

I purple you 💜


It's been a week since that horrible incident. And thank goodness I did not get any calls either. I was trying to be positive about this matter but I just cannot. The mask guy seemed to love coming in my dreams.

I sighed. Currently, I was in the library checking some books.

The Kingdom of dreams.

Aha! This book is life. I took it out as I reached the man who was supposed to be our librarian.

And now he is sleeping. Great.

- sir?

I said but he was not bothered to wake up. I cleared my throat.

- Excuse me sir?

I said shaking him a bit.

Still nothing. I felt frustrated as I pushed my hair back.

I heard footsteps and saw Jungkook and Jimin on the door frame.

I was shocked to see them in the library.

- what are you guys doing?

Shock was clear in my voice as I pointed my finger at both of them. 

- why am I not surprised seeing you here in our vacation?

Jimin said. My lips went flat as I gave him a glare.

- what do you mean?

I said. He just chuckled.

- Well, what are you doing?

Jungkook asked.

- I uhm I was going to take this book but the librarian is sleeping and he is not even waking up. 

I said.

- well then wake him up.

Jimin said.

- as if I did not try?

I said. He is being annoying. His mouth went to a "o" shape.

Jungkook turned to Jimin and they both exchanged glances and Jungkook smirked.

- well then we can help you with it.

Jungkook said as he took a news paper folded it into a cylinder shape brought it near the man's ear and.


He shouted and the man abruptly got up and started running.

- fire fire fire the school is on fire run for your lives!

He said and ran away. And I was just standing there dumbfounded, with the book in my hand. 

- Bultourne Bitch. 

Jimin said laughing as he slapped Jungkook's hand. 

- but.. how can I take this book with me now?

I whispered. And they both started laughing hysterically.

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