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Happy birthday to the guy who is so generous. Happy birthday to the guy who is so strong. Happy birthday to the guy who loves so much. Happy birthday to the guy who is so considerate.
Happy birthday to the guy who always cares for everyone.
Happy birthday to the guy who always gives and never takes.
Happy birthday to the guy who hides his scars behind his smiles.
Happy birthday to the guy who can feel insecure but still always smiles for his loved ones.
Happy birthday to the guy who believes in friendship.
Happy birthday to the guy who is the best brother, son, friend. And I'm sure he would be best in every relationships.
Happy birthday to the guy who is a believer.
Happy birthday to the guy who respects.
Happy birthday to Kim Taehyung 💜

I went inside the hall after calming myself down. I was still shocked with the note and all. One thing was clear that it was someone from the house. The question was who?

I cannot tell this to anyone. If I tell about this to Taehyung he would make a big deal out of it and everyone including this creeper would know. Which I don't want. I must tell this to someone whom I trust so and to someone who wouldn't be telling be anyone. And at that time her picture popped in my mind. 


Yes! Of course. I would ask her for help. She isn't practically related to the family. And is someone I trust the most. I heard the someone's foot steps again as I snapped my head towards the door in fear. I released a sigh of relief when I saw it was Taehyung.

- What is taking you so long? I am dying with hunger.

He said holding his stomach. I felt guilty. I was so lost in my thoughts that I forgot about the food.

- I'm sorry.

I said pouting. He came near me and pecked me.

- It's okay. Give me food otherwise I am going to eat you.

I widen my eyes and I pushed him he laughed as he sat on the platform. I came near the toaster I took out the bread and Nutella.  I took out a plate and a butter knife as I applied the Nutella on the bread as I spread it. I gave it to him as he took it and ate it. I lost my appetite after that little note.

- Aren't you going to eat? 

He asked me the chocolate spread near his chin and near his lips. I chuckled softly as I shook my head as a no.

- You have chocolate all over your face.

I said as he shrugged it not caring. I took another slice of bread and did the same as I fed him. I took the bread near his mouth then took it away as he whined and I laughed. I did the same three times and before I knew, I was pulled near him I'm between his legs as he took the bread from my hands and ate it. He bought his face near me after gulping the bread.

- Kiss me miso.

He said as I bought my lips near him and closed my eyes. But I just could not feel his lips nor his breath on me. I opened my eyes and saw him leaning back on the wall controlling his laugh. I frowned.

- Aaah Taehyung-ah~

I whined as I turned myself around leaving him laughing. I started walking when he gripped my arm and pulled me towards him. In a swift motion he picked me up and made me sit on the platform. As he came near me and kissed me. Our tongues matched with each other's speed. We separated as I breathed in.

- You taste like chocolate.

I said and he smirked.


We were near the entrance bidding everyone goodbyes. Only I know how fast I packed the bags where Taehyung was sitting on the bed playing games.

What a gentleman.

- It would have been better if you would've stayed for the Christmas too.

Mom said as she hugged Taehyung.

- Our college is going to start again soon. I promise we would return soon. And after two month we are going to come for the wedding so it's not a big deal mom 

He said rolling his eyes as I shook my head. Brat.

I went and hugged Nayeon.

- I will miss you so much miso.

She said as she hugged me tighter 

- I am going to miss you too unnie.

I said as we broke apart.

- It was really nice meeting you. And I know you will keep our Taehyung happy. Best of luck.

She said. I smiled in return. I will.

We entered the car after Taehyung kept our suitcases in the car. I got inside the car. I grinned at Taehyung as he shook his head and took the seat belt and tucked it in as we rode back to Seoul with some music and us talking and laughing and making memories.


Hey lovelies!!

How are you?

What do you think? What will Jeongyeon's reaction would be? Will she help her? Will they know who it is?

Well, please continue to support me like this. And please do vote. DON'T be a silent reader please leave your suggestion. There is nothing more than I love reading your comments.

Thank you. I purple you 💜

PS : Happy Taehyung day everyone💜💫

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