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- Be my girlfriend.

He stated as I was confused, perplex by what he meant by his words. 

- only for a year.

- W-what? A year? What do y-you mean?

I asked hoping that my thoughts were wrong. But alas it's Kim Taehyung we are talking about.

- Yes Lee Miso. Be my fake girlfriend for a year.

I felt like slapping him and I almost did when he caught my wrist when it was almost going to touch his cheek.

- Uh oh not a good step at all darling. 

He said as he twisted my hand and put it behind my back.  My eyes raging with anger, betrayal, hurt. I can feel my veins popping.

- What the hell Taehyung?

I hissed.

- What the fuck do you mean by fake girlfriend?

I asked tears in my eyes threatening to fall.

- It is simple kitten. You do something for me and I do something for you.

He said calmly.

- If you will do this fake date thing with me-


I cut him off and yelled at him.

- Sssshhhh sweetheart we are in a library, and listen to me. If you will do this fake date thing with me then I will make sure that your dad won't be humiliated and lose his job.

He said while looking down at me with his cold yet arrogant eyes.

- oh I so hate you Kim Taehyung.

I said.

- oh well I figured that out.

He said while smirking. 

- My family already knows about you, and I cannot lie to them. So I need you to be my fake girlfriend for sometime. 

- w-why? 

I whispered looking straight in his eyes. Tears already coming out of my eyes.

- Hmm?

He hummed in response.

- why do you hate me so much?

I said and broke down in tears resting my head on his hard chest and I did noticed how his chest suddenly went so stiff.

I love him.


_Taehyung's P.O.V

This beautiful girl whom I fell in love with in a tender age. With whom I fell in love again when I met her again. So beautiful so fragile yet so strong. It was like as if she is an angel then I am the devil if she is water then I am the fire if she is sky then I am the ground. I tried to stay away from her. But I couldn't. I tried to do everything but I just cannot.

In the end I always found a way to get close to her.

And break her.

I cannot believe I did that. How could I be so stupid? How can I break the girls heart whom I love so much?

The moment I realise that I love her is the moment I break her.

I hate her because

I love her so much.

The fact that she is crying on my chest right now is enough to wrap my hands around her and tell her that I love her so much and I don't want all of this. 

I have to pretend to be the bad guy in her eyes just to save her. I have to save her even if it means that she will hate me more. 

I have to show her that I really do care for her and I love her, this is my chance to do this. 

I did not hug her back. I just stood there still, trying to bottle up my emotions.

- I know it's hard to resist me baby. But are you gonna do this or...

I said when she snapped her head up looking directly in my eyes.

- You are pathetic, Taehyung.

She said looking straight into my eyes as I could literally feel the hatred she feels for me.

I'm sorry my miso.

- Oh aren't we all?

I said faking a cocky smirk as she took a deep breath in trying to choose between what is right and what is wrong. 

Please choose me Miso. Please. 

- I will do this.

She informed as I could just burst into happy tears right that moment. 

- We are gonna meet again. I need to show and explain you things.

I said and she ignored me and went away, I could feel her disappointment but this is the only way. 

- Oh god I love her so much.


Hey lovelies!!!

How are you?


Mom I love him :")

Alright so what do you think? Is Taehyung planning this alone? Or is someone else helping him? Will Miso ever forgive Taehyung? What will happen next

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Thank you. I purple you 💜

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