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-If the project is so easy, why don't you do it yourself. Or wait, why not ask jungkook?

He smirked.

What the...

- Why? So that you can go and protect Nancy?

- are you jealous?

Pfft as if. 

- Are you?

I repeated the same question to him as he looked at me with a glare. He was about to say something when the Professor interupted us. 

- Okay class, I will be seeing your presentations from next week. Till then no club classes. 

The professor said and left the class.

- Taehyung. I swear if you won't help me in doing this project I will go and tell the professor. We will start with the project tomorrow.

I said and left without hearing him.

- YAH Lee Miso!


7 pm. Dorm.

I was sitting on my desk doing my homework. I texted my mom today. She was worried that I suddenly cut off the call yesterday.  I was starting to think about Taehyung again. He never directly bullied me or tease me, but he never stopped me from getting bullied either. It was no doubt that he was a bad person, when we were young he made me believe as if he liked me and when I was starting to like him, he went back to Jennie. Now, he hasn't changed either. He kissed me and the next day he was with Nancy. Then why did I felt so good talking to him last night? Why did I felt so free and young? 

Kim Taehyung was surely a dangerous man who was messing with my mind and body. 

I was too deep in my thoughts when I heard a cry. 

- Misoo~

I heard Jeongyeon's voice as I turned around. 

- what?

- help me with this presentation, please~

- You're a law student how can I help you? 

 After helping her with her problems I went to the store for buying some ramen. I'm so hungry. I am skipping my lunch everyday. I changed my pajamas and wore my jeans and a white tee and a olive green cardigan I didn't care about my hair as I wore a cap and made my way out. 

I thought to eat my food outside. It's been a long time since I ate at street. Street food is the best, it is cheap and tasty. I ordered some Tteokbokki and kimchi fried rice as I was waiting for my order when I saw Jihyun standing beside me. 

- Hey.

He said as he was surprised to see me here. 

-Oh hello.

Wow I didn't expect him to be here.

- I never knew you came to places like this.

He said as I frowned 

- I love street food, and I was really hungry too. 

- Same. I was hungry too. And it's been a while since I ate at streets.

- I know right.

We were talking and eventually we ate together. He spoke about his plans. Honestly, his personality is refreshing and someone I can talk about my plans. He said that he was from from Busan and then went to Australia.

- I'm planning to become a tourist and settle in states.

- oh I have lived in states.

- really? Wow.  For how much long?

- Uhm for almost 5 years.

I said and he looked at me with wide eyes

- Waaaahhh lucky you.

- only if you knew the reason behind it.

I said and smiled as I continued eating. He looked at me. 

- Uhm I'm sorry..

- it's alright.

- I will pay the bill.

- Well no thanks. I can. I have enough money.

- Let me be a gentleman Miso. 

- You can be a gentleman some other time. Now please I can pay my bill.

I said and asked for the bill. He pushed my shoulders playfully and made a weird face.

- What?

- Hey, you said next time. Are you...

- am I what?

- are you interested in me?

He said and wiggled his brows I rolled my eyes as I chuckled shaking my head. 

- You wish.


After paying the bill , he walked me to  my dorm and went back to his apartment. I was going back to my dorm and suddenly I felt a pull and someone pulled me to the other side and started dragging me out of the university. He covered my mouth with his large hand and took me in his arms. It was dark. Why aren't the street lights on? I was muffling and trying to get away from his grip but he was strong.

I took a breath. And...

This scent...

It's his smell..


Why is he doing this? Where is he taking me?


Hey lovelies! ! How are you?

What do you think about this part?  I'm sorry I couldn't upload yesterday as it was eid. 

Eid mubarak to you all 💕

What do you think ?  Why Taehyung did this? Where is he taking Miso? Is Jihyun a good company?  Does Taehyung really has feelings for Miso?

Well please continue to support me like this. And please do vote. . Thank you. I purple you 💜

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