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Two weeks. It's been two weeks since I came to know the truth about this whole relationship.

HAH.  I wouldn't even call that a relationship.

These fourteen days, I have cried. Cried as much as I could, I was either on the bed or in the washroom vomiting. I have fainted so many times, my body became so weak that they had to rush me to the ER. But then the second week, I started realizing everything around me. Taehyung came barging inside my room so many times wanting to talk with me, but I was ignorant. Either Jeongyeon or Jungkook kicked him out of the room. The first two days, I tried my best to not call him, scream at him, curse him as to why he did that with me? What was the reason? But I restrained myself. I didn't want t make a fool out of myself. 

The next week, I got up and took a shower. My body felt like it was rotting and when I came back, Jeongyeon cried because she was so happy. I still did not go to my classes but asked Dahyun and Yoongi to send me the notes and I was catching up on my studies. At night, I cried remembering everything. I gave Taehyung my everything but it was just a mere bet for him. He really was a great actor, he deceived me, made me believe as if he loved me just as much as I loved him. I wanted to ask him so many questions, but then I knew all those answers would just hurt me more. I had to be mature if I didn't want to end up ruining my life just because of this, I am stronger than this. 

Heartbreak is the worst disease to happen to any human with no cure. 

It is true. I had faced so many difficulties in life, but nothing hurt me as much as this did. It broke me from beneath, shook me from inside, crumbled all my beliefs. I had to lead a normal life but my normal life included him and it hurt me just so much more. I decided to let go and move on. I knew it was not going to be an easy process but I had to do it. Slowly in my own pace, but I will let go of this. 

I have been having inner conflicts within myself. There were two voices in my head, one who was still in love with Kim Taehyung, and other one who hated Kim Taehyung with everything she had. 

He must be partying somewhere and celebrating his victory.

Or maybe he must be grieving or so much ashamed that he cannot gather courage to face you.

I sighed, these two were giving me a headache and I had enough of them both. I couldn't sleep the whole night because I slept through the day. I looked at the time as I saw it was almost six AM. I got up and went near my window watching the sun rise, I remembered how me and Taehyung watched sun rises together. Everything was so beautiful. 

But beauty comes with pain. My pain was my heartbreak. 

I sighed as I put my hair in a bun and went out for a walk, after taking a walk I had a nice warm shower and came back to my room, getting ready for a new day. I wore a my denim shorts and a black turtle neck shirt with a denim jacket as I applied a layer of liner and a light shake of pink on my lips.  

7:30 AM

I went towards Jeongyeon in an attempt to wake her up.

- Jeongyeon-ah wake up.

I said shaking her a bit. She groaned but didn't wake up.

Lazy ass.


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