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He didn't reply to my question. That means he is embarrassed by me. By the fact that I was his girlfriend. Okay then. If he doesn't want to be in a relationship with me. It's alright.

And then I said those words which I never wanted to say.

-Taehyung-ah let's end this.

I said and he left my hand. I backed away from him. He had a straight face. I cannot figure out what he was thinking.

Tears started to form in my eyes, as it started to roll down on my cheek. I turned around and left the place. Left him. Left my heart. Left my love there. I cannot believe it. I was dressed up like this for him. Never in my dreams I thought this night will turn out like this. I took off my heel as it was difficult in walking with heel. I ran faster with my bare food. I was walking towards the exit of the gym when I heard someone's voice.

- Miso? Miso! where are you going?

I looked back and saw Jihyun. 

Was he even here? Wow I didn't notice him.

Too busy being jealous over someone who doesn't even care about you.

My subconscious mocked me as I wiped my tears and looked at me. 

- Where are you going? Damn girl you run fast-

He said but paused when he looked at me and saw I was crying.

- M-Miso, why are you crying?

He asked out of concern. I cannot speak. If I speak even a word then I won't be able to control it.

- Are you okay? tell me what happened.

He asked, his brown eyes filled with concern as he looked at me through his glasses. 

- I am fine really. 

I said smiling through my tears, but I knew how my heart was bleeding and agonizing over someone who don't care. I was more upset with myself because I let myself fall for him even after knowing everything. I am more upset that he does not care. 

- Just leave me alone Jihyun. Please.

I said as I heard his footsteps, before I could say anything he held my wrist and turned me around. 

- how can I leave you alone in this state Miso? God, just look at you. If any other guy would have found you- 

He did not complete his sentence as he let out a frustrated sigh. I stood there quietly sobbing.

- Okay it's alright don't tell me anything if you don't want to say. But I know that you need comfort Miso. Let me comfort you.

He said and pulled me towards him. He hugged me and I rested my head on his hard chest. I sobbed harder.

- It hurts so much. 

I croaked as he patted my back, calmly listening to my cries as he did a wonderful job in comforting me.  After a few minutes I pulled away from him. He didn't say anything.

- I must look like a mess now.

I said as I realised that I was wearing make up today. 

- You do look a little like The Nun. But I am still not running away. 

He joked as I chuckled and slapped his chest.

I felt a tiny little bit okay. Thanks to Jihyun, he calmed me down and bought a coffee for me to calm my nerves. After some more time, he made sure I went to my dorm safely as I threw myself on my bed not bothering to change or clean myself. I was yet again left alone with my thoughts. 

I heard my phone ringing.

Incoming call : Jeongyeon 💕

Shit. I didn't inform her about my leave.

- Hello?

I said.


She yelled at me.


- I-I'm s-sorry. I just did not feel well so I came back to the dorm.

-You must have at least informed us. You know? Your boyfriend is so worried about you. He was searching for you everywhere. He almost killed a boy who was talking filthy things about you.

What? Really? Why did he do that?

- What? I am okay, Jeongyeon please stop him. I will explain everything to you later. 

I said and ended the call as I did not want to hear anything. I sighed and put my head deep in the pillow screaming in the pillow letting my frustration out. 

- Kim Taehyung! You Blobfish! Stop playing with my heart and my mind. You stupid Jerk. I hate you so much! Why do you got to be so mysterious and confusing? 


Hey lovelies! ! ! How are you?

What do you think? What was on Taehyung's mind? What is he going to do now? How will he make up for his mistakes? Aaaaandddddd what about Jihyun? Do you think he is a good person?

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Thank you. I purple you 💜


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