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I woke up, snuggled in his chest. I opened my eyes and saw his bare chest. I felt his arms wrapped around me. I felt safe.

And today for the first time I did not get any nightmares.

I moved closer to him humming a song and roaming my finger on his chest.


My favorite song.

I felt a gaze on me as I looked up and saw Taehyung looking at me with his half closed eyes.

I smiled at him remembering the last night.

His face in between my legs as I arched my back and flinched. How he was in me. How yesterday yet again, we two were one again.

- your marks are pretty 

He mumbled. It took me a moment to understand that he was referring to those marks.


I felt my cheeks turning red. Suddenly it was really hot.

- ssshhh

I shushed him as he chuckled, I could hear his heartbeat and it felt so serene. 

- You are being awfully cute and I cannot resist you.

He said as he hovered above me. And to let you know we both were half naked. He was wearing his boxers and I was wearing his tee.

- Oh, what shall I do with you kitten?

He whispered. I automatically felt submissive towards him. My cheeks turning 50 shades of red He kissed the tip of my nose and moved to my neck. I moaned slowly. My hands wrapped around his hair as he took my hands and pinned it above my head.

- No touching and no noise baby.

He said and I looked at him with wide eyes.

He's not kidding.

- oh I am certainly not joking here

He said reading me. He then spread my legs using his as he moved towards my part. He licked it causing me to moan again. I tried to move my hands but his grip only tighten. He then again kissed it as I rolled my head back. He was teasing me. He blew air on it causing goosebumps all around my body. I breathed out loudly. He was coming close and again moving back.

- Oh please taehyung.

I whined

- please what kitten?

He said smirking 

- stop teasing me.

I said breathing. He chuckled deeply and pushed his tongue deeper inside me as I felt my throar dry, I arched back feeling immense pleasure. 

Oh I want to touch him now.

I moved my hands wanting to make myself free but he was awfully strong. He moved back when I was about to cum.

- Oh well that's it for today.

He said as he came back to me and kissed me before getting up and spanking me. I sighed.

- I hate you.

I said with narrow eyes as he turned around with a smirk on his face. 

- oh really? I don't think so

He said before coming to me again and started tickling me.

- Ahhh I'm sorry I'm sorry.

I said in between my laughs.

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now