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3 months later.

It has been 3 months since the Suho incident. Can't believe time flies so fast. I was in trauma for the first month but then because of such good people in my life I was able to get back to my normal life.

Right now, I was in the library doing my homework. I had finished it a long time ago tho. Our exams were done last week and I was doing our holiday homework. We need to leave for the states next week. Yes, USA. The place where Nayeon's wedding is going to be held.

I was excited to meet with everyone again. Especially, Mom. She has been nothing but nice with me from the very start. My heart warmed thinking about her. My phone buzzed and I saw message on the Kakao group.

I opened it and saw Jungkook's message.

This is for life🌍

Kook💕: party at 9pm. Place: Soyeon's house. Who's coming

He texted. I ignored as I was not interested. But then I thought to go as our exams were just done and I needed a break.

Miso: I am coming.

Jeongyeon😻: OMG WHAT????? I am coming too.

Jiminie 👻: as if you weren't from the beginning. I'm in.

Momori 👅: I am in too. And it's nice to see Miso coming without us persisting her.

Miso: 😅😅

Old Jin: I am in. I'm gonna be wasted tonight.

Grandpa Yoongi: Who's Soyeon? Idc. I'm in.

Sunshine 🌞: eyyyy I'm in

Minari🐧: I'm in too hehe.

Smart pants rm: I'm gonna have sex all night. I'm in.

Dahyun 💀: I'm in too. It's been long since I partied.

Chae😘: you did it on as soon as the exams were done. I'm coming.

Kook💕: great everyone is coming.

Jiminie👻: wait- what about taehyung?

Miso: I'll ask him.  Dw :)

I texted and got up to and made my way to the dorm.


I took the keys and opened the door. I almost screamed when I saw a silhouette. I saw clearly and saw Taehyung sitting on my bed playing on his phone. Flash backs of our second encounter came in my mind.

I smiled he looked up at me and a confused look spread on his face. I locked the door and went towards him. I sat on his lap as I took his face in my hands and I kissed him. After parting he raised a brow.

- And why so sudden?

He asked and I grinned.

- I think I'm in love with you.

I said and he made a face as if he was thinking something.

- and I think I already know this.

He said and grinned.

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now