32 part 1

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-I would never leave you alone like this. I promise.

He said as he ruffled my hair and pulled my cheeks until I slapped his hand away.

- L-let's go.

I said and looked at the bike.

- don't tell me taetae that we are going on this bike. Are we?

I said and looked at him only to see his brown eyes wide.

- What?

- Did you just... called me taetae?

I looked at him in confusion and then I realised it I widen my eyes.

- n-no why would I call you that? You misheard it.

He grinned at me.

- sure sure.

- And what is this can't you bring a car? Why bike?

- Shut the fuck up and sit.

He said and sat on the bike.

Ladies and gentlemen, Here is that Kim taehyung aka jerk.

I let out a "hmph" sound and was going to sit when

- Yah wear this helmet.

He said and gave it to me I wore it but I was not able to tie the belt of it.
Taehyung seems to notice it he let out a "tsk" sound and started buckling the belt of the helmet.

- What is this? You are a smart ass but you don't even know this. Tsk.

He said but I did not mind his words as I was busy staring at his face.

He did not change much. Just that his face is more defined and handsome now. The 12 year old Taehyung had an innocent face. But this.. this 20 year old Kim Taehyung or V is a grown up man. Who's innocence was probably vanished a long time ago.

His mono lid eyes , those perfect nose those lips that I- no wait everyone carve for, this beautiful sculptured face of this beautiful man, who loves to mess with my head. 

- Done yet? Or you want to stare more?

I heard his deep voice. I flinched and moved back.

- I'm sorry.

I said and quickly went back and sat behind his back.

I heard him chuckle.

- But where are we going?

- Near the stream.

He said and I felt my heart stop beating.

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