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( I am going to remove the smut part from here, because why not)

The last fifteen minutes of my life made me feel so many emotions . I felt angry, guilty, embarrassed and needy. Kim Taehyung surely is a dangerous man whom I just can't stay away from. No matter, how many times I tried to push him he ricocheted back to me stronger than before. Now that he was standing in front of me asking my consent. I was losing myself. 

I was losing myself to him. 

My throat felt dry as he looked at me with anticipating eyes. I gulped in order to speak something. I blinked rapidly as I muttered

- I- uh I don't know Taehyung. You and me it's a very weird pair. I don't think we can ever happen. 

I said as his face fell but in a second he just smiled and caressed my cheek. 

- As I said, I would do nothing without your consent. If you feel uncomfortable I understand you. We still don't know each other very well. Let's hang out often and then tell me your answer okay? 

He said as I just blinked and stared at him bewildered. 

- Wait- so you are not going to force me or manipulate me into having sex with you? 

I bluntly said as he laughed loudly and it felt as if the most melodious music to my ear. 

- I could do that but that's not my style kitten. I would like it more if both of us enjoy this, it will be more memorable. And I want it to be memorable with you. 

He disclosed as I was taken aback by his words, I never knew he could be this mature. I was gazing at him as he leaned in 

- Keep looking at me like that and I will kiss you till you forget to breath. 

I widened my eyes as I smacked his chest. 

- You never miss a single chance to show how much of a pervert you are, right? 

He laughed and shrugged. 

- Flirting is good for health bookworm, you won't understand that. 

I rolled my eyes before sitting on the bed as I looked at him. 

- By the way, now that you are my partner for Literature, I expect you to work hard please. 

He sighed as he made a sad expression and I was confused. 

- I am a partner in your subjects, I wonder when will I be a partner in your bed? 

I threw a pillow at him as he started laughing. 

- Get out. Just get out please. 

I said with a straight face but when I saw him laughing I couldn't help but smile too. 

- Of course I will work hard. Yah, don't you remember? I used to always come second in the school. I am a smart student too. 

- Yeah yeah, very smart. 

I said and just like that we spent the next three hours chatting about the most random things ever. I felt good talking with someone like this, he felt like a normal person to me when I was talking to him. He liked to eat street foods and hang out in karaoke's just like normal people. For this night, I forgot that he was the person who caused so many troubles to me in my school and just a normal person whom I met. 

Whom I am unconsciously falling for. 


 Hey lovelies!!!

 How are you? what do you think about this part?  

What do you think? Next part will definitely include Nancy. Will she harm her? Is Taehyung going to support her and protect her from the world? Or will he simply ignore Miso?  

Well please do continue to support me like this. And please do vote. 

Thank you for reading. I purple you 💜

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