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- Your home country, South Korea.

He said folding his hands. As I stood there, in shock. My mind was diverting to the life I had ten years ago. I have tried so hard. Ten years of running away from my horrible past and in the end I have to go back there. I realized that he was still looking at me, expecting an answer as I took a deep breath in composing myself. 

-Okay, I will.

I said standing straight. He smirked.

-But remember, if you are not going to succeed in this case sadly, we are gonna lose a very great psychologist.

He smirked as I was too busy with my inner thought to respond to him. 

- Please do email me the file of the patient.

I said and turned back and left the office. I went towards my desk as I sipped from my water bottle.

-How did it go?

Jihyo asked.

- He was gonna fire me but thank to Daniel I took his idea.

I said as Daniel chuckled and gave me a hifi.

- but,

I said and they all frowned.

- Ugh there's always a but.

Sana said as she sat beside me. 

- What happened?

Niall asked.

- He gave me a case, and said that if I don't complete I have to leave the job.

I said and Daniel scoffed.

-We all know you are going to complete it.

He said as I smiled.

-I have to fly back to Korea for this case.

I said and they widen their eyes and looked at me.


- Why?

- That bitch.

- I am gonna cut his dick.

Niall said and I laughed.

- Never mind.

I said and shrugged. Jihyo took my arm.

- we are going to bathroom, excuse me.

She said and dragged me to the bathroom alongside Sana.

- Aish why do girls always have to go to bathroom together?

I heard Daniel saying.


- Korea? Are you fucking kidding me?

Jihyo cursed crossing her hands as I just looked down.

- Miso- ah, you know you have the worst memories in Korea.

Sana said holding my hand as Jihyo sighed. We all were outside the building, as Sana gave me a cigarette and I took a blow.  

-Just leave this job. I am sure you will get better job opportunities.

She pleaded as I shook my head and released the smoke as I watched it disappear in thin air and I was reminded of myself, I disappeared the same way as this smoke did. 

- No Jihyo. If I don't go to Korea this only means that I still have not moved on from my past.

I heard Jihyo cursing under her breath. Jihyo was always very protective of me, being with me for as long as ten years she has always looked after me. Both her and Sana, have seen the worst sides of me, my inner demons, how I ruined myself bot mentally and physically. Maybe that is why they are scared of me going back there. 

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now