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- I love you Kim Taehyung.

I said but when I got no response I looked up and saw Taehyung already sleeping. I chuckled he look so cute. Our naked bodies hugging and cuddling each other. His warmth his scent it was as if I was addicted to it. His hands wrapped around my waist and my head resting on his chest.

This moment is irreplaceable.

I thought.

He became such an important part of my life now. But again when was he not?

With my thoughts, I drove back to my sleep. 


7 AM. SKU'S dormitory.

I woke up because of the alarm. I quickly turned it off as I did not want Taehyung to wake up. But when I turned around he was not there.

I panicked. Several thoughts came into my mind at a time.

Did he leave me? Where did he go? Does he even remember me? Why did he go? Did he not mean it last night?

I was on the verge of a tears when suddenly the door opened and revealed a half naked Taehyung with two mugs of coffee.

He smiled brightly at me. As he kept the two cups down.

I ran up to him and hugged him. He looked taken aback but soon he hugged me back.

- where did you go? I was so scared. Don't ever leave me like that. 

I said as I hugged him tight he was so tall that I had to stand on my toes.

He chuckled as his large hands rested on my lower back. 

- I did not go anywhere princess. I just went to bring some coffee for both of us.

He said and I nodded but still did not moved. 

- If you will continue holding me like this while you are with no clothes. It will turn me on again baby. Or shall I say I am already turned on?

He said and hissed I realised that I was not wearing anything. I widen my eyes and moved back suddenly that I slipped and he held my hand and pulled me towards him. As he kissed me. I instantly responded to him.

Gosh so irresistible.

His hands travelled to my back and then he grabbed my hips. I moaned. I pulled back and he started kissing my neck as he pushed me to on the bed.

I and he were mess. A beautiful mess.

He kissed my forehead then kissed my lips again, as his hands travelled down to my womanhood. He started rubbing my clit with his thumb. My heart was beating fast. My throat was dry. The pleasure was too much.

But then suddenly he stopped he came near me and whispered in my ear.

- you're still sore princess. And our coffee will be cold.

He said and kissed my nose and got up I widen my eyes in embarrassment.

What the fuck? How can I be so needy? AND WHY IS HE SO ANNOYING???

Just because of you Kim fucking Taehyung.


Hey lovelies!! How are you?

What do you think?

Is taehyung and miso's relationship will be strong? Where is Suho and all? Is Jihyun involved with their past?

Well please do continue to support me like this. And please do vote. DON'T be a silent reader please leave your suggestion. There is nothing more than I love reading your comments.

Thank you. I purple you 💜


And yeah two updates in a day wohoooo

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