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I let out a shriek when I felt someone gripping my arm and pinning me on the book shelf. I closed my eyes tight. All I could hear was me and the other person's breath and heart beat. I opened my eyes slowly, I widen my eyes when I saw who this was.


He was looking at me as his bangs covered half his eyes, bruises covering his face.  Now that we are so close I can see him clearly.

His left eye had some purple marks and his cheek bone too. His lips were swollen and blood red and the corner of his lips had a cut.  He looked so heavenly so dangerous His grip on my mouth tighten. He had his palm covering my mouth to let out any cry for help and my hands were held back wrapped around his one arm.

Seriously how big his hand is?

And being so close to him I realised yet again that

I missed him

Even though that's pathetic of me but still I cannot resist my feelings.

- Stop ignoring and avoiding me Lee Miso.

He said through his gritted teeth.

- You cannot avoid me for your whole life. 

I can

I wanted to say but his hand wasn't allowing me to. I muffled and shook my head to get rid of his hand. But he only tighten it. My hands was held in one place I'm sure it's gonna make a bruise. He removed his hands slowly. I did not speak and neither he. For a moment we were lost in each other's eyes. Hoping and wishing that whatever he did was not actually true. That we were normal.

But no.

He held my shoulders as his eyes held the same intensity and desperateness it had when I found out what he did to me. 

- Miso, I know. I know what I have done is unforgivable. But believe me, I didn't know it was going to get so serious. I never thought, I would start to love you too. 

He confessed as I felt the air knocking out of my system. 

- I accept that I have made an unthinkable sin, I hurt you so much. But baby, I am very sorry. I never intended to would hurt you so much. I may sound selfish but please please forgive me. 

I scoffed as I sniffed wiping the tears off my face. 

- No, I won't forgive you ever. You will have to live with this weight forever, Kim Taehyung. You don't even have an idea of love, you are not capable of loving someone. 

I fumed with anger as he looked at me with so much hurt in his eyes that it broke my heart. 

- What was my fault huh? All I ever did was to love you, my only fault is to love you. How could you do this to my heart? 

I said as I broke down crying and he cried with me. I sniffed and tried to control myself. 

- But it doesn't matter now, does it? You have already done it and we cannot do anything about it. 

I said as I wiped the tears off of my face and looked at him as he shook his head. 

- I hope you live a good life, I hope you achieve everything in future whatever you want. But I sincerely hope you never get love. 

He broke down crying as I was about to walk away when he stopped me. I looked at him as he wiped his tears and looked at me. 

 -So you are not going to forgive me?

- Did you just not hear what I said? 

I said and was turning when I stopped in my tracks after I heard what he said.

- Think about it again Miso.

He said and turned his face now facing me he had his arrogant look on his face. I furrowed my brows in confusion.

- Are you deaf Taehyung? I already said N  O

I announced firmly as he chuckled deeply. 

- Not even if your father could lose his job because of this decision kitty?

He whispered as I stopped for a while. 

- Wait what?

I asked in utter confusion.

- Oh sweetie.

He said and sighed as he started walking towards me.

- You are so naïve.

He said caressing my cheek and as much as butterfly's were forming in my stomach I did not show any emotion on my face

- What the fuck do you mean?

I asked now slightly pissed at him and myself for feeling such things on this situation.

- Your father works in Kim Cooperating right? 

He asked and I nodded my head.

- Yeah he does so? 

I asked.

- Think kitten. He works in Kim Cooperation.

I squint my eyes trying to collect all the missing things.

Kim cooperation. My father works there


Kim Taehyung.

I widen my eyes when the realisation hit me.

- W-what?

- Yes baby girl. Your father works for us.

- Okay so?

I said and he shook his head still smirking.

- Tsk tsk tsk how come you're so intelligent in studies and not in general?

He said mocking me. Seriously? He was just now apologising me almost crying and now he is mocking me?

- Well well well, look your father working for mine. And you know what? I can make your father lose his job too

He said and I gasped.

- What? Why would you do that? Are you mad?

I shouted at him.

-If you don't want me to fire him

He said before keeping his hands in his pockets and his face close to mine.

- then be my girlfriend.


Hey lovelies! ! !

I'm not gonna give any hints ;)


I purple you 💜

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