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While opening my piece of paper, I felt anxious all of a sudden. Taehyung's words ringing in my ears as I gulped and opened the paper and felt shocked when I saw whose name was written on it. I turned around quickly to find Taehyung looking at me with a smirk on his face. He held a paper in his hands as he started walking towards me and when I aw that my name was written on it I scoffed. 

- I'm the man who keeps his words.

He said continuing to smirk as I tried my best not to scratch his face. 

- how did you do this?

I asked him through my gritted teeth.

- well well well, you know we can do anything when you've money. 

He said and looked straight into my eyes as I felt disgusted by him. I formed fists as the paper crumbled inside my fists. To be honest, I wanted to be normal with him. I thought about not letting my past ruin my new relationships with people but what he did today made me want to punch him more than ever. 

- I never knew you could go this low just to make fun of me.

He chuckled but then suddenly he looked serious.

- You can think whatever you want.

He said and turned around to walk away, but then he turned towards me as he leaned down to my height and whispered in my ear.

- the kiss was really good.

He said and looked at me, as my eyes widened. I couldn't believe he said that in front of so many people. My heart started beating loudly as I was taken aback by his sudden move. 

- Alright students. The time is up. Please do obey your mentors and be good with them. And for the mentors. Please act well with them and respect your juniors. Have a nice day everyone.

The professor said. I thought he had a good personality, but again who is good in this world? I took my things and packed my bag as I started preparing to leave when Jihyun came and started doing the same. 

- So your partner is Kim Taehyung?

Jihyun asked as I nodded. 

 - uhm yeah.

- Good luck then.

He wished me as I frowned and tilted my head. 

-  what do you mean by that?

I asked him for the first time curious to start a conversation.

- uh well I heard he has a bad personality. He got into a lot of trouble for his mistakes in the past. 

He said and smiled as I breathed out. 

Oh Jihyun only if you knew I was bullied by him too.

- well then I will get going

He said and ruffled my hair.

Jihyun is really good looking. He's tall, broad shoulders, a fit body, and blue eyes that anyone could fall for. And yeah how can I forget his dimples.

I shook my thoughts and started walking out of the class.  Today I have to buy some things for my room. I will go to the book store and buy some books then I will-

Someone pulled my bag and stopped me from walking.

I know who it is. Taehyung

- YAH leave me taehy-

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now