32 part 2.

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- Near the stream.

He said and I felt my heart beat stop as I looked at him 

- Wait, then why do we need a bike for it? We can literally walk there. 

I asked confused when Taehyung smirked and sat on the bike too as he wore his helmet. 

- Yah! Tell me, where are we going? W-wait, are you kidnapping me again because I made a plan with Jihyun? 

I asked as it seemed the most possible answer to my question as he turned to look at me with a disappointed expression. 

- We are going to Jeonju-si. 

- Jeonju? Don't we need train for that? We will be there in 90 minutes do you think your bike can be faster? 

I challenged him smirking as he scoffed and turned in front again. 

- Hah! Hold on tight, kitten. I won't be responsible if you flew away. 

He said as I was going to bark back at him when he started the bike and then all I remember was the sound of wind. He was driving so fast as I felt as if I am going to fly with the wind. I closed my eyes but Taehyung called my name. 

- Yah Miso, open your eyes and enjoy the ride!

- You Blobfish! Slow down!

- Never!

He laughed screaming as he increased the speed if possible as both of us were silent not able to talk because of the strong wind. Within no time we reached the Jeonju city and I got down the bike as I took deep breaths and massaged my head. I saw him getting off too as he removed his helmet and pushed his long hair back. 

- We got here in 70 minutes. We would be 20 minutes late if we used the train. 

He said as I rolled my eyes and stretched drinking some water. 

- So, what's the plan? How will we collect the reports and everything? 

I asked him as he looked at me blankly. 

- That's your job to do. I was only going to decide the place. 

I slapped my forehead at his dumbness. 

- You are not only a Blobfish but also a Sloth! 

I said as I took my phone out and started to search about Jeonju and once I got a picture of what type of city this is I smiled as an idea popped in my mind. 

- This city is famous for, food, historic buildings and innovative festivals. Let's write a review on these things. We will visit the historic buildings first and then we will eat and then we will visit a festival. 

- What festival? 

- There is a music festival going on here tonight, let's go there. 

I informed as he nodded his head as he told me to wear the helmet again. The whole day was spent as we went to various places. We took interviews of people and had a lot of fun, ate a lot of food. Wherever we were going, Taehyung had his camera with him, clicking pictures of everything and everyone. We both took pictures of each other, single as well as with people we interviewed. After that we ate different kinds of food, Taehyung was surprised how much I can eat and I just told him to shut up. He teased me by taking pictures of me while I was eating as I kicked him. 

This day was filled with such beautiful memories. Memories I made with Taehyung. 

- Taehyung no!

I whined as he took a picture of me while I was eating my bulgogi and he laughed loudly and I smacked his arm. I took pictures of him but it only turned out beautiful. We both went inside a photo booth as he wore a bear hat and I wore a rabbit hat. 

- Doesn't this rabbit hat remind you of Jungkook? 

I said giggling as I took a selfie and sent it to Jungkook as Taehyung looked at me with narrow eyes as I raised my eyebrows. 

- What?

- Send me that picture too. 

- Why?

- Because I told you so. 

- No, you already have so many pictures of me from this day alone. 

I said as I fixed it better when I heard a clicking noise and turned to see Taehyung clicking pictures of me with his phone as I sighed and shook my head. We both took many pictures in the photo booth making funny faces and laughing together on those pictures. Taehyung gave me one set of the pictures and he kept one and said it was like a deal. 

- Is everything like a deal or game for you? 

I asked as he nodded his head and put his hand on my shoulder.

- I am a son of a business man, what do you think? 

He said as I sighed and we made our way to the festival finally. When we entered the festival the songs already started. A band was performing as Taehyung gave them our tickets and we stood in between the crowd. 

- Stray Kids are performing!

I yelled as I looked at the members and almost collapsed when Taehyung held me a confused expression on his face. They soon came on stage as I started screaming and jumping up too excited to stay calm. 

- Who are they? 

Taehyung asked as I looked at him in disbelief. 

- Are you serious? They are The Stray Kids! Stray kids everywhere all around the world! You never heard of that? 

He looked at me weirdly and shook his head as I sighed. I looked at the stage as I saw Minho introducing himself. 


I screamed as Taehyung flinched and moved away from me massaging his ears. 

- So he is the guy you love the most huh? 

I nodded looking at my bias dreamingly as Taehyung scoffed and pointed at Minho. 

- H-he is so short huh! I am taller than him and I looked better than him too!

I rolled my eyes as I looked at him with a 'are you serious' look. 

- Short guys are cute and moreover he is better than you so shut up. 

He was about to say something when the song started as I screamed and jumped up while singing the lyrics with them. 

-Maniac! Nasa Ppajin Geotcheoreom Michyeo, Maniac Pingping Dorabeorigetji Maniac, Frankensteincheoreom Georeo Maniac, Maniac Maniac Nasa Ppajin Geotcheoreom Useo Maniac Pingping Dorabeorigetji  Maniac, Bijeongsangtuseongi Jipdan!

While you were busy in screaming the lyrics on top of your lungs, Taehyung was looking at you as he thought no matter who was on stage shining. For him, you were the most shining person he has ever met. He looked at you with such bright and loving eyes that he was unaware that what he thought was actually love and not just a normal fling. He was slowly without knowing falling in love with you. 


Hey lovelies!!! How are you? What do you think about this part?

I made two parts of it. Yes because yesterday I was too lazy to upload a full one. I'm sorry~~

What do you think? Are they both getting close? What will happen when they go to the restaurant they are eating at? Will they meet someone there? Will Taehyung know about Miso's nightmares?

Well please do continue to support me like this. And please do vote and don't be a silent reader please leave suggestions here.

Thank you. I purple you 💜

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