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After a while of talking about our lives we both bid our fare wells. Jaebum insisted to leave me as it was already starting to get dark and I almost allowed him when he got a call from his "girlfriend" to get her.


He had to leave and here I am now walking through the Gangam streets at 10 pm alone. 

To be honest, I would not be so afraid if a creepy black hooded guy was not following me.

I kept my cool as I did not want to show him that I knew about his existence as I took out my phone and dialed the no number and started acting to talk as if there was really someone on the phone. 

- Hello? Eomma how are you? Ah yeah yeah I met with him today. It felt good getting back together after such a long time. Ah yeah yeah. Well I am heading to the university now. Yeah? Yes yes I am planning to study. I won't mom I promise.

I was acting and eventually it ended when my phone actually started to ring.

I panicked.

I gulped hard as I did not hear anything from behind me. No foot steps could be heard.

I saw the caller ID.

Incoming call : Unknown.

I furrowed my brows in confusion.


I picked it up.

- I know that you know that I am following you. So stop acting as if you don't know.

My eyes grew wide. My heart was beating fast. My throat was dry and I couldn't see anything.

- Wh-who i-is t-this?

I asked and heard him chuckle. I suddenly cut the phone and started running fast as I heard foot steps following me I ran faster and hide in a alley and took out my phone and dialed the first number that came into my mind.

Outgoing call: Taetae 🔥


He asked worry was clear in his voice.

- t-tae tae. H-he i-is  f-following  m-me

I whispered as I felt out of breath. I felt cold, and my throat was too dry to speak anything. My hands and legs shaking as I looked back to see if he was still there. 

- What? where are you? Miso I need to know that you are safe. Tell me the place.

He said stating facts but I was too afraid.

- miso please tell me where are you? Any road signals any kind of sign or something.

He said his voice sounding desperate as I took a deep breath, wiping my tears to see clearly. 

- I-I I'm a-at the g-gangam street.

I said and adding the signs and store names I saw.

- Keep talking. Do NOT hang up. Okay?

He said and I nodded even though I knew he couldn't see me. 

- No need to hide from me, Miso. 

He yelled

I gasped and kept my hand on my mouth.

Taetae please come fast.

Then suddenly there was a screeching bike sound as it came nearer to me. I did not even dare to peek, I was petrified. When I felt someone patting my shoulder I shot my head up afraid what I was about to see.

It was Taehyung.

I immediately got up and hugged him tight and after what felt like my whole life I felt safe. I threw my arms around him and sobbed on his shoulder.  He started stroking my hair it was honestly making me comfortable.


10:30 PM SKU'S dormitory.

After that incident I was in my room.

Well not alone tho.

I was sitting on my bed with a blanket wrapped around me and in Taehyung's hoodie, which I kept when he forgot about it. He was startled that I still kept it but didn't say anything to me. 

Well only in a hoodie and my underwear. With a blanket around me.

And with a hot coffee which Taehyung made for me. I heard him sigh for what 78th time from the last two hours.

- I know you're traumatized. But can you tell me who the fuck was that asshole?

I looked at him and closed my eyes ready to re call the incidents of the last 5 hours.

- Well, I never saw him. He was wearing a hoodie and a mask. I could not recognise his voice either. He is following me since I was with Jaebum oppa-

I said and realised what I said and looked up to see a satisfied look on his face.


- oh so you were with Jaebum? I never knew he was your friend? And that too childhoods?

He said a smug look on his face.

- Do you want me to continue or not?

I asked with a boring face.

He nodded and I continued to tell him everything. He controlled his anger. 

- We are going to report this to the police-

He announced as he took his phone out as I widened my eyes and placed my hands on his. 

- No! If my parents will know about this they will be way too worried and they will make me go to the states again. I-I don't want that. Taehyung, please no. 

I begged him as he looked reluctant but he ended up nodding his head.  After that he comforted me and cuddled me. Today's events came as a flash back as I closed my eyes I heard his voice and his pitch black eyes, in the alley.

Yay new nightmares!!


Hey lovelies!!!!

How are you?

What do you thing? Who is the hoodie guy? Is it someone they know? Or someone expected? What's going to happen next? Any guess?

Well, please continue to support me like this. And please do vote. DON'T be a silent reader please leave your suggestion. There is nothing more than I love reading your comments.

Thank you. I purple you 💜

PS : i- 17 K? WTF-


I love you 😔✋💕👉👈

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