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The plane landed as I took my suitcase and started to come outside. It felt good to be here again. I remember the last time I was here and I was so anxious and nervous. Everything was so fucked up even after ten years. But as time went on, I healed. I healed in the same place where I was broken. 

- Aah! Feels good to be here again.

I said to myself when I saw Jimin, Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon and Jungkook standing and I could see Jungkook and Jimin were bickering with each and I started to run towards them. 

- So all the boys are here to pick me up? Awww how sweet, I am honored.

I said bowing dramatically, as they looked at me and smiled.

- Of course you should be honored I bought this handsome face of mine.

Jin said as I rolled my eyes at him.

- It was Jeon's idea, she thought you will be happy if we all came and pick you up.

Jungkook said as I hugged him and he hugged me back taking my suitcases. 

- I left my song for you Miso-ssi. See I just showed you how important you are for us.

Namjoon said hugging me as I laughed.

- That's nothing, we are friends it's nothing much. 

Hoseok said giving me a big tight hug. I went near Jimin as I hugged him.

- Woah, this nostalgia just hit me.

He said I looked at him confused.

- What?

We all said in unison.

- The first time we met in the dorm remember? I came to hug you and you gave me your hand instead. Do you remember?

The Jimin guy introduced himself as he was coming for a hug when I suddenly took two steps back and gave him my hand instead.

- Uh hey! I am Jimin.


I whined as they all laughed.

- I remember too when I was coming for a hug she literally bowed to me.

Jungkook said laughing as we all were getting inside the car.

- Why you all are teasing me? Jerks. 

I mumbled.

- She was so naïve back then.

Yoongi laughed reminiscing the old times as I shook my head 

- She was too innocent for all of us.

Hoseok said as SeokJin agreed laughing.

- You guys! I am going to jump from the car if you wont stop.

I said as they all tried to stop laughing

- Okay okay.

They said.

- ah but Miso

Jin said as I looked at him.


- Do you still give people hand for a shake when they come to hug you?

- YAH!


- Miso~

Jeongyeon sang as she hugged me and I hugged her back tight. The engagement party was going to be held in Taehyung's hotel for free, she said it was his gift.

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