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I pushed Taehyung's hair back and was surprised to see how hot Taehyung's forehead was. I touched it again with the back of my hand and Taehyung was confused. 

- What is it?

He asked as I looked at him and now I realise how much I have liked him. 

- You.... you are hot.

I said and he smirked. He pulled me closer as a smug expression was on his face. 

- Tell me something I don't know kitten.

He said and I felt my cheeks burning read. Aishh this boy.

- I did not mean it in that way. I mean you have fever.

I said and moved away as I started searching for something when I heard him whine. 

- It's not so serious. Do you really had to notice? Now only? 

I looked at him as I nodded. 

- In bed. Now.

I said as I searched for the tablets for fever. 

- Are you trying to be a dom now?


I turned around and asked him.

- What do you mean by dom?

I asked him tilting my head in confusion.

I heard him sigh.

- Never mind that.

He said and sat on the bed.

I took out the medicine and came and sat beside him. I took my water bottle and gave it to him.

- Eat this.

I said and he looked at me disgustingly.

- I don't like to eat tablets.

- What a kid...

I said and got up for taking a tonic

I got back and sat beside him.

- Drink this.

I said and he drank after pleading a lot.

- Rest for a while now.

He was going to say something when my phone rang.

Incoming call : Jeongyeon💕

- Hello?

- hello? Somi. Are you okay?

- I am. Why did you ask?

- Ah! I just wanted to know. By the way I am not going to come to the dorm today.

- What? Why?

I complained as I pouted, I don't like sleeping alone at all. 

- Actually, uh I am going to hang out with Jimin and all..

My face turned into a mischievous one as I teased her. 

- Oho, I see. Fine then, enjoy your night.

I teased her as I could hear her cursing from the other side before hanging up as I chuckled. 

- What happened?

I heard Taehyung asking as I went near him. 

- Ah Jeongyeon isn't going to come today. She is going to hang out with Jimin and all.

I said knowing very well that she is going to hang out only with him and not 'and all' 

- Damn, I knew something was going on between them. Both of them are spending time together way too much. Previously, they didn't even like seeing each other's faces. 

Taehyung said as he scoffed and I chuckled. 

- People change, Taehyung. But I am glad for them, surely they both will have an interesting relationship

 I smiled as he looked at me. 

- I'm so sleepy. Come here.

He said and pulled me inside the blanket.

- What the... Taehyung~

I whined.

- Yes?

- I need to do the presentation. Let me go.

- You can do it tomorrow. Today is a weekend.


" never in my dreams I thought I would spend my weekend like this with a girls."

Taehyung thought.

I was too feeling very lazy and comfortable. So  I didn't mind doing the work.

For now, for this moment. I want to be in his arms. I want to be his.


Hey lovelies!!! How are you? 


Please forgive me. I have some matters going on in my house and I could not upload much bigger chapters.

Please continue to support me like this.

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Thank you. I purple you 💜

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