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I opened my eyes. My head was hammering. My throat was dry as fuck. I felt my every nerve paining. I just felt like banging my head on the wall to stop the pain.

Where the fuck am I

I looked around, squinting my eyes to see clearly. I was in a white room. Just a plain white room. I was sitting on the ground my hands taped. Hot tears dwelled in my eyes. I was an idiot to come here in the first place. Why didn't I know that we can never change a person?

The tears rolled down my face. I heard the door opening and my heart started beating wildly. I closed my eyes tight not wanting to see anyone. 

I felt a finger on my chin lifting my face up.

- So fragile, yet so beautiful.

I heard Suho's voice. I gulped.

- look at me my miso.

His voice was dangerously soft and like a feather. I opened my eyes and saw him.

- How do you feel? 

He asked.  I frowned.

He is not serious right?

- Oh well, I feel ecstatic. And yeah please note the sarcasm.

I said as he chuckled deeply.

- And I thought you were fragile. But your tongue is really strong baby. Isn't it?

He said smirking as I scoffed.

- Of course yes, after all I am Taehyung's girl. I should be strong.

I said smirking. His smirk faded as he looked at me with anger. He held my hair and pulled it. I let out a whimper.

- I dare you to say that again.

He said. I looked at him.

- I'll say it again I'll say it millions of time I'll say it till my last breath. I am Kim Taehyung's girl.

I said looking at him daringly. He pushed my head and my head landed on the floor.

As if the pain in the head wasn't enough god gave me one more pain in my head. I tried to lift my head but it only gave me more pain.

- oh my god, I'm so sorry baby. Wait let me help you.

I heard him say and he lifted me up as I struggled. He left the room while carrying me. He entered a room and my eyes widen and I felt creeped out. Everything in the room was decorated by my pictures my paintings.

He kept me on a the bed and I saw that the pillows bad my face too.


- The fuck is this? 

I whispered. He looked at me and stood up to the wardrobe. He opened the door and I saw a poster of mine. If I was correct it was of when I was in the states. He came back with a first aid kit. He opened the box and started treating me.

- Uhm, I could not see you all the time and I missed you always, so I did this.

He grinned while showing me the room with his hand. He treated me while I was silent. 

- You must not be sleepy as it has been two days and you were only sleeping. I will bring you some food.

He said and got up. 

- I have been unconscious for HOW long?

I asked disbelieving.

- Two days.

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now