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i know its a shameless advertisement but go and read my story Vengeance it is also a Taehyung ff and guess what? Taehyung is not an asshole in that😩☝🏽
go and read it now😡💜


I opened the door and I felt my eyes coming out of my body when I saw who it was.

- T-taehyung?

I whispered looking with my now very wide eyes.

- I-I

He stuttered eyes travelling from my head to toe and then I realised it that I was only in a towel. My head snapped up as I covered myself with my hands.

- YAH!

I shouted and he covered my mouth with his large hand and pushed me inside my room and closing the door and on top of it him trapping me.

- Oh you so don't want everyone to know that a guy is in a girls dormitory at 3 fucking am.

He said in a hushed voice as I looked at him witb bewildered expression.

- and not like I am seeing you like this for the first time Miso?

He said and smirked. His voice held the cocky tone as his lust full eyes roamed around my body.

Flash backs of our those moments came and I closed my eyes tight to avoid any of such feelings.

No miso control yourself. Don't be a cry baby and neither a slut now.

I scolded myself as I pushed him away from me.

- Get away from me you asshole.

I hissed. As usual, Kim Taehyung has always been perfect in making me feel so many emotions at one point. Anger, neediness, upset and love. Al these emotions overwhelming me.

- Woah woah calm down there you little warrior.

He said chuckling and keeping his hands up in air as if he's surrendering.

- what are you doing here Kim taehyung?

I asked him grabbing my blanket and covering myself.

- Aww I was having a nice view of your chest, sweetheart.

He said scrunching his nose up, acting like he's disappointed.

- Shameless idiot.

I murmured and he laughed out.

Oh that gorgeous laugh of his.

I smiled slightly. Not showing him I did. I wish we were like this in reality, like nothing actually happened between us. Like he did not cheat on me like he did not lied to me like he did not betrayed me.

All those painful memories which was not even vanished came in front of my eyes.

- You won bro.

- oh well she was always easy with you.

I closed my eyes as tears threatened to fall.
I turned around and wiped the corner of my eyes.

- I asked you something. Why did you come here?

I asked him, I have mastered in not showing my emotions now.

- uh uhm I thought to check on you since jeongyeon is not here..

He was saying when I turned around and cut him off.

- Oh well I'm alive in pain and in tension and heart broken because of you Mr. Kim taehyung.

I growled as he looked shocked to see my outburst.

- You checked on me now? So now you may leave.

I said as I walked towards my closet and took out a pair of pajamas.

- What if I don't want to?

He said suddenly as his breath hit my ear causing me to flinch. I turned around and saw him so close to me. Our nose almost touching and my hand securely wrapped around my blanket. And his on my waist.

- W-what?

I stuttered and blinked continously. What does he want now? Butterflies were dancing in my stomach and my knees felt weak.

Why do I automatically feel submissive towards him?

Ughh ew emotions.

He started leaning towards me and my breath was heavy.

" you won the bet bro"

Marks voice ringed in my ears and I pushed taehyung with all my force and he was near the door now.

- what the fuck?

He murmured.

- Why?

I yelled at him.

- Why are you here? Why don't you just leave me alone? Why did you..

I said and trailed off hesitant to speak.

- why did you messed up taetae..

I whispered tears already flowing down my cheeks.

He looked as if he was about to say something but then he turned around and left.

He left and I cried again.


Hey lovelies!!!

How are you?

What do you think? Will Miso ever forgive taehyung? What will taehyung's next step would be? What do you think about Suho? 👀

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Thank you. I purple you 💜


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