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Finally it was our chance for the photoshoot. We both came in front of the white screen. Front of us where all kind of lights which were directly facing us. The photographer was talking with mom. He nodded and gave her a thumbs up. 

- Alright ready guys?

He asked and we both nodded. 

- Come on show me some love.

And as soon as he said that Taehyung's hand found a way to my waist and I kept my hand on his chest as we faced the camera and we smiled. We heard the 'click' sound. The photographer saw the picture and tsked.

- Come on you guys! You are a teen couple not a married 60 year oldies. Your parents had more romance than you. Show me some wildness.

He said.

Gooooddddddd this is awkward.

Taehyung turned me around. He hugged me from back, his head near my shoulders blade I snapped my head up and our eyes met.

His eyes showed so many emotions. I gulped. He looked like he wanted to say so many things to me but he could not. Like something is stopping him.

- very great. Now another pose please.

The photographer said and Taehyung spun me around and held my waist as I kept my hands wrapped around his neck he came near my neck as he kissed it.

- Taehyung, everyone is here. Not such pose please.

I wanted to say but I was too busy feeling how great his lips and how pleasing his hot breath feels against my neck. I inhaled sharply. 

- Perfect.

The photographer said.

- One last one.

He said.


Taehyung pulled me up and we were facing each other. He kept his forehead on mine and his left hand on my right cheek.

- Smile.

He whispered. And I immediately let go of my worries and tension as I kept my hands on his chest as I closed my eyes and smiled.

We heard the clicks and claps but we were so engrossed in our own little word that we forgot about our surroundings.

- I wasn't acting.

I whispered, he looked up at me and was going to say something when mom suddenly came.

- You two looked so perfect with each other.

She said and Nayeon came from behind. 

- Really. As if you both are meant to be in each other's arms.

She said and smiled and I smiled too. I looked up at Taehyung and he was looking at me with an unreadable emotion.


The party was over and we were heading to our places. I was bidding my good byes to my friends as they were leaving tonight.

- Why are you leaving so soon?

I asked them

- Well, unlike you we are not the partner of the family's son.

Namjoon said and everyone nodded and chuckled in response.

- But never forget Miso, I am his soul mate.

Jimin said with a possessive tone in his voice 

- oh then I am also Miso's soul mate.

Jeongyeon said and Jimin eyes widen and we all started laughing.

- Shall we go?

I heard Taehyung's voice as I nodded. He came and hugged everyone and when we were leaving I spotted Suho standing alone. I half ran towards him.

- What are you doing here alone?

I asked. He looked up. 

- oh I was not expecting you to come here.

He said and I rolled my eyes. He was taking something from his pocket when I heard Taehyung's voice again.

- Miso-ah let's go I'm sleepy.

I heard him whine from distance, I chuckled at his state and nodded. He must be exhauseted. 

- I will talk to you later bye.

I said and ran to Taehyung.

We sat in the car and he pulled the seat belt and tucked it in. He started the car and we drove off to our home listening to some calm music


-Kitten? Wake up we reached.

I heard someone's voice I opened my eyes to see his beautiful eyes. I smiled and sat up straight.

- I'm sorry.

I said as he got outside the car and opened my door and the seat belt. I got out and tripped on a stone. If it weren't of Taehyung I would have broke my nose.

- Looks like someone is doing a perfect job in being a sleepy head huh?

I heard him chuckle. I frowned.

Yes I was but I am not going to let him make fun of me.

I was going to take another step when he picked me up in a bridal style. I whined but he only laughed. I gave up and put my head on his chest.

We came inside our room.

- Now get down or do you want me to change your clothes?

He said and I shot my eyes open I struggled in his grip and he laughed out loud. He put me down.

- Idiot.

I murmured he just chuckled and went to the bathroom.

I went near the dressing table and removed my accessories and my make up when I spotted a velvet box on the bed.

Huh? What's that? Of course you would know if you go and open stupid.

I face palmed myself and got up to check what that is.

I took the box and untie the silk ribbon and then opened it and when I saw what it was I screamed loudly and dropped the box. I started crying loudly. Taehyung came out of the bathroom in only his boxers. He looked bewildered.

- What happened? Miso tell me what happened.

He said and I pointed the box.  He widen his eyes.

- what the fuck? 

He said and took the box. He took the note which I did not notice. It was written in blood.

Accept my heart darling

I cried out loud on Taehyung's chest. The box, in it...

It was a heart of a mammal.


Hey lovelies!!

How are you?

What do you think?

Who sent miso the box? Is it Suho? Or someone else? What will Taehyung do now? Can he protect miso?

Well, please continue to support me like this. And please do vote. DON'T be a silent reader please leave your suggestion. There is nothing more than I love reading your comments.

Thank you. I purple you 💜

Merry Christmas everyone hope this Christmas makes you more strong and give you this capability to cope up with your problems 💕💫

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