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Happy birthday to this guy who had suffered so much who starved just to make his dream fulfill who went against the world for music

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Happy birthday to this guy who had suffered so much who starved just to make his dream fulfill who went against the world for music. Who dreamed big when he was so young. Who is fearless who is strong who is passionate who is talented who is lovely who is cute. Happy birthday to Min Yoongi💕



was sitting on the rock still, when I heard the sound of cars screeching. I looked up expecting him to be there but alas! He wasn't. Jinyoung came fast as he covered me with his jacket.

- You okay?

He asked as he helped me to get up. I just nodded and sat in the car. He came and sat as well. He looked at me.

- What happened Miso?

He asked. Funny that he never calls me by my real name as he thinks if I'll be called by my birth name I would still be that weak miserable person. Only if he knew that changing your name does not change your personality how you feel and how you think.

- It's just.... Taehyung.

I said and he sighed.

- It's your relationship and I know that I should not be saying this but come on I am your best friend and I have right, that guy is a pure asshole.

He said and I did not say anything I was too tired to reply. It felt like my mind was occupied by a lot of things yet I was not thinking of anything particular. Feel me?

- Jinyoung - ah I am too tired. Can I please stay over?

I asked as he slapped my hand.

- No need to ask of course you can.

He said as I thanked him.


We reached his house where he was staying as he showed me my room and went out. I quickly went to the bathroom as I stripped and hopped in the shower. And as soon as the cool water touched my body, flashbacks of our fight came running back to my mind. New fresh tears started forming in my eyes as they rolled down my cheeks.

'You won her bro'

'She was always easy on you'

'You are ugly'

'You deserve to die bitch'

' Oh so now you think we really are a couple just because your muffin said'

'I will ruin you'

'She does not deserve someone like Kim Taehyung'

Those words started to ring in my ears as I put my hands on my ear trying to stop the voices. And suddenly those all stopped but then I heard something which made me both - happy and sad.

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