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Fresh air really helped me with clearing my head. I sighed as I finished my coke. My head was getting messy, I had to make my thoughts clear in order to be better. Taehyung can do whatever the hell he wants I shouldn't care about that. He is a human and he is an adult he knows what he doing or even if he doesn't I shouldn't care about that. God, I am going crazy.

Miso remember your past, just because you have a good present that doesn't mean you have to forget your bad past. Remember how Jennie ruined your life because of him. 

My own thoughts were disturbed as my phone started ringing in my pocket. I removed it and saw that it was my mom calling me. I picked it up and answered

- hello mom.

- hey Miso

- how are you mom?

- I'm feeling empty without my child.

I chuckled and we talked for a few minutes. 

- why do you sound so dull?

- Do I? I am just tired. 

- Miso where are you? 

- I'm at a university party, today all the first year's gathered as the seniors threw a party for us. I have to choose which club I am going to choose. 

- oh, choose a club which won't make you waste your time, you've to study a lot right. 

I sighed, there she goes again. 

- Yes mom, I will look into it. 

- Did you make any friends yet?

- Yes I did made some good amount of friends. 

I smiled remembering their jokes as I heard my mom clicking her tongue. 

- Tsk, make sure you stay with good people Miso. 

- Yes mom, I have to go now, bye. 

I sighed as I thought about her words. She trusts me a lot. I should stay away from distractions. I need to study well. This was my dream. I turned around and my heart was in my throat. Taehyung was standing in front of me, leaning on the tree already looking at me. I ignored him and started walking away from him when I heard him asking me

- What are you doing here? 

-I came here for fresh air.

- Why? Not like anyone is smoking there.

I rolled my eyes breathing out as I turned to him completely and folded my arms. 

- Why? You got any problem with me coming out?

I raised my eye brow demanding an answer as he just chuckled and shook his head. 

- As if anyone cares

As soon as I heard him I rolled my eyes again and I started walking towards the gym and I heard his foot steps following me. Wow that was good. I stood up on my own in front of Taehyung.

- The fuck took you so long?

Jeongyeon asked finishing her can of beer as I looked at her before sitting beside her. 

- hm? Ah, my mom called me.

- Taehyung, what were you doing outside?

- Just, fresh air.

He said and looked at me but I rolled my eyes again and sat down. I saw the girl from earlier came towards Taehyung and said

- oppa where were you? I missed you.

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now