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- First. No need to be a friend of him. Second that guy does not deserve your spit on him let alone your friendship.

Taehyung said, and I made an annoyed face. 

- You don't get to control who I am friends with Taehyung. Just because you're jealous it doesn't mean I have to stop talking with other boys.

- You think I am warning you because I am jealous? What you see is not always what is true, Lee Miso.

He insisted as I was quiet for sometime. 

- What do you mean by that? 

I asked him. He seems to be bored by my question so he did not answer it.

- Yah don't ignore me, answer me

I said while shaking his shoulder. He looked at me and sighed.

- You should not know everything princess. Sometimes somethings are better untold.

He said and I was taken aback by his answer or more like from the new nick name he gave me.

- What? Shall we start or not?

He said and I looked at him and smiled.

- Let's start.

I said and we started preparing our presentation.




We all were gathered on our usual spot. This week was hectic, we had our presentation to get ready then we needed to show it, then I fell down and my knee was bleeding.  And now everything is done. But it was all kind of good because he was there with me.

I took my usual lunch with me. Everyone were exhausted as even  they were busy with their works.

- So ? What do you think Jungkook?

Jhope asked.

- About what?

He asked in confusion.

- Well about you changing your subject. Duhh about you joining with us for ARTS.

He said and Jungkook said

- Aaaahh, well I feel I.. feel.. uhm nothing special.

He said and Hoseok sighed.

- Never mind.

- T-Taehyung oppa..

A girl of 2nd year came towards our table. Taehyung looked up at her and gave a "what" Expression.

- U-uhm.. There is this party.. Can I go with you?

- What party?

He asked bored.

Well of course, for him. The visual god Kim Taehyung it is normal for any of the people to come and ask him to be his date.

- M-my birthday party.

She said nervously she stretched her hand and showed him a card. He took it and said.

- I cannot. You may ask someone else

He said and gave back to her, her card.

Rude. But I like it.

Nobody yet know about mine and Taehyung's relationship except Jeongyeon. The fact that everyone still thinks Taehyung is still single and trying to hook up or flirt with him eats me inside.

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now